DrtyDiesel Goes Back OTR

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by DrtyDiesel, Apr 24, 2013.

  1. txqtrucker

    txqtrucker Light Load Member

    Jul 1, 2011
    bryan, texas
    Okay that's what I was thinking with the holidays coming etc. But overall you would still recommend LST? I have not heard really anything negative about them.
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  3. KF7WTV

    KF7WTV Medium Load Member

    Aug 8, 2012
    RENO, NV
    I was contemplating LST but since I live in Reno, NV, they'd want me out at least 45 days at a time. :biggrin_25521: That's a loooong stretch with a wife at home... Oh well. Sorry, Ethan! :biggrin_2557:
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  4. DrtyDiesel

    DrtyDiesel Road Train Member

    Feb 14, 2010
    Jacksonville, FL
    I still recommend them, they have great trucks and as long as you're willing to stay out then you'll make good money. I have too many problems going on in my personal life plus wanting to settle down with my girlfriend, I want to be home more often. That's why my miles have gone down. It's hard getting a load going east

    I don't blame you, they told me 2 months since I live in Florida. I go home about every 4 weeks. My buddy from orientation quit because he lived in Las Vegas and wanted to be home every 4-5 weeks but his dispatcher had a fit every time. So he left. Mine jokes around saying I go home too much, but I know she's joking since she doesn't ever give me any real fuss about it lol.
  5. DrtyDiesel

    DrtyDiesel Road Train Member

    Feb 14, 2010
    Jacksonville, FL
    In Laredo, Waiting till monday to deliver then hopefully getting something headed home
    Weeble Kneeble Thanks this.
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