Drug test
Discussion in 'PAM' started by Chris1101, Mar 19, 2017.
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A small-town patrolman stopped a motorist for speeding and approached the driver. Peering into the back seat, he saw a large collection of knives, machetes, and swords. Thinking he had some wacko on his hands, the policeman placed a cautious hand on his firearm and asked the man to step out of the car. When queried about the contents of the back seat, the driver replied, "Oh, those! Officer, I'm a juggler and those are part of my act." Skeptical, the policeman thought he would call the man's bluff.
"If you can juggle these here machetes like you say, I'll let you off", the officer says. Well, sure enough, the driver IS a juggler, and his hands explode into a dizzying frenzy of spinning, twirling, flying blades, reflecting brilliantly in the afternoon sun! The blades fly behind his back, under his legs & over his head, in seamless fluid motion. He even tosses an apple into the fray and quarters it without missing a beat...
As this is occurring, a man driving by says to his wife, "Martha, it's a good thing I gave up smoking dope... look at the sobriety test they're giving now!"Blackshack46, tucker, NavigatorWife and 4 others Thank this. -
not4hire and Kenworth 4life Thank this. -
@Wooly Rhino will know the answer.
I'll bet and say it's only urine test.James j and austinmike Thank this. -
However, you may want to do these things BEFORE applying for the truck driving job of your choice, TO HELP CLEANSE YOUR BODY OF ALL IMPURITIES.
1) For the next 1 to 2 years, go onto a serious exercise regiment to get yourself into the best shape possible. You may want to contact an athletic coach to help you with this.
2) For the next 1 to 2 years, go onto a serious diet and nutrition regiment. Stick to LEAN proteins as turkey, chicken, and beef. Eat PLENTY of various fresh vegetables and fresh fruits every day.
3) For the next 1 to 2 years, STAY COMPLETELY AWAY FROM all cakes, pastries, ice creams, chocolates, candies, fruit drinks with sugar and fructose corn syrup in them, breakfast cereals with sugar in them, and highly fatty items as bacon. Also, STAY COMPLETELY AWAY FROM meats with sodium nitrates and sodium nitrites in them, such as hot dogs and various types of sausage meats.
4) For the next 1 to 2 years, DRINK PLENTY OF FRESH CLEAN WATER EVERYDAY WITHOUT FAIL. Also get into the habit of drinking herbal teas, green teas, and antioxidant teas. These teas will also help clean out your system. A good health food store can also help you out with the tea selections.
5) For the next 1 to 2 years, go to a sauna at least once a week. Be sure to DRINK PLENTY OF FRESH CLEAN WATER EVERYDAY WITHOUT FAIL, BOTH BEFORE AND AFTER USING THE SAUNA.
6) If you smoke or drink any alcoholic beverages at all, try your absolute best to totally give them up altogether.
7) If you use over the counter medicines, try your absolute best to totally give them up altogether.
GOOD LUCK TO YOU! God bless you and your entire family!
God bless every American and their families! God bless the U.S.A.!BukowskiFlowers and NavigatorWife Thank this. -
TROOPER to TRUCKER and Kenworth 4life Thank this.
NavigatorWife and austinmike Thank this.
Eric Rodriguez, Prof.Gringo, Chinatown and 1 other person Thank this.
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