The point is its very illegal in this industry beer you can buy at truckstops but not one truck stop sells weed.Anybody who wants to smoke weed fine just stay away from this industry.
Drug test
Discussion in 'PAM' started by Chris1101, Mar 19, 2017.
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Is Weed The Reason You Capitalize Every First Letter?
I hope DOT implements road side hair tests soon. Also facial recognition software to detect any non-truthful statements, like "I haven't used in 6 months ".
dhellmer, Sirscrapntruckalot, Blackshack46 and 1 other person Thank this.
Im sick of the old "he is being bullied" BS. When did we become such a nation of pussys?
driverdriver, Blackshack46 and fargonaz Thank this. -
If thats the case, not one person on this thread bullied the op. Lolnot4hire Thanks this. -
dhellmer Thanks this.
dhellmer and Maj. Jackhole Thank this.
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