Dump truck instead of roll off? Southeast Pa

Discussion in 'Waste Removal and Garbage Truck Driver Forum' started by Dino soar, May 15, 2024.

  1. Dino soar

    Dino soar Road Train Member

    Dec 8, 2017
    I have some things from a house that I'm renovating and I'm wondering can I take my dump truck to wherever it is that they take the roll-off truck instead of getting a dumpster?

    I would also like to know if I can take my own trash from my home and take it to the garbage facility in my dump truck. It's only me here, and it seems silly for what I would pay them. And then they just keep raising it and raising it. So I would prefer to take it myself if possible.

    I wonder if it cost less for the dumpster than to take my own truck if I have multiple loads with my dump truck? The truck I would use is a six-wheeler F800 type truck.

    If I can do that, how do I find that type of a landfill? Is that the same as a garbage landfill? If anyone is familiar with the area, I'm in Montgomery County Pennsylvania.

    Am I even allowed to haul my own waste that way? Is there some kind of permit or something they would require?
    Last edited: May 15, 2024
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  3. rbrtwbstr

    rbrtwbstr Road Train Member

    Jul 11, 2012
    in the bush somewhere
    You might need a PA DEP waste hauler permit for a truck that size. I think most landfills require them but I'm not positive. I know our local landfill allows pickup trucks in, but I'd imagine in your area that probably won't be allowed, given that they're run by big companies like Waste Management.
    Dino soar Thanks this.
  4. Dino soar

    Dino soar Road Train Member

    Dec 8, 2017
    Yeah it figures all the big guys have that stuff locked up.

    I have to check on what size truck they let in.

    Maybe they'll let me in with the F350.
  5. RockinChair

    RockinChair Road Train Member

    Feb 19, 2012
    CC, TX
    Just call the scale house and ask.

    Down here in Texas the WM landfill and the Republic Services landfill don't care if you bring it in using a dump truck or a pickup with a trailer, they charge by the net weight either way.
    Dino soar Thanks this.
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