Discussion in 'Trucking Industry Regulations' started by Bumpy, Oct 15, 2009.

  1. hunts2much

    hunts2much Medium Load Member

    Aug 25, 2008
    How often (if ever) do you have your logs checked by the man? If/when you had them checked, what did you do to earn the privilege and where were you?

    All I've ever heard from DOT is never mind when they ask for my log book and I tell them I'm on e-logs.
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  3. linadin

    linadin Light Load Member

    Jun 8, 2008
    Fayetteville, NC
    I am trying to think if you can run paper logs along with e logs the company i am thinking of going with wants drivers to run both logs (paper and elog) to me this would seem this would be against the law. also if elogs are in secound and paper are at 15 mins interveals. If I were to run both you would probbally be in voilation on your paper logs.
  4. Rollover the Original

    Rollover the Original Road Train Member

    Jul 1, 2009
    If you are doing oth at the same time how could you be in violation on one and no the other? Yes the Elog might be to the econd but if you drop your line down in the apporiate 1/4 hour it's the same thing! You can't be THAT accurate on a regular logbook but as long as rthey concide there shouldn't be a problem.

    NOW, about the problem of running 2 logbooks. You really arent. It depends on which one you show the DOT!
    fancypants Thanks this.
  5. derangedtrucker

    derangedtrucker Bobtail Member

    Mar 30, 2011
    Hendersonville, TN
    I can't believe that no one is doing anything in D.C. to adjust the DOT requirements!! The time limits set for driving do not take into consideration the time spent waiting to be loaded and unloaded. Shippers and Receivers don't care about the driver's clock. They work at their own pace, take their breaks no matter what and don't even ask about the driver's time. Sitting and waiting for hours at docks is a very common occurrence. Why should the driver be penalized for this? There needs to be an adjustment on the e logs to compensate for this! And what if a driver wants to stop and take a nap? what if there's an accident on the road? what about road construction zones that cause delays? THE CLOCK KEEPS TICKING!! a driver should be able to stop the clock during these instances. If the truck isn't moving, the clock shouldn't be either. A driver can't even make extra money because of these regulations. Improving fuel mileage is out of the question because the driver has to push the truck as hard as possible to get to destinations before the time runs out. And what if there's no where safe to park when the clock runs out? Should truckers just park anywhere because the clock says so? Does anyone need 10 hours of sleep? When you're on the road, a driver shouldn't be required to spend 10 hours in his truck waiting. Requiring 6 hours would be good, then a driver would have a choice. If you're in a parking lot waiting, what are you going to do for 10 hours? Is there anyone in D.C. raising these questions? Is anyone there to show the head of DOT how wrong these regulations are???
  6. Yatista

    Yatista Medium Load Member

    Jan 25, 2009
    Upstate New York
    Good morning, glad you could join us. It's funny you would ask those questions. If you spend some time reading the threads that address your questions you will see that a lot of people are asking, but, very few are listening.
    outerspacehillbilly Thanks this.
  7. ECU51

    ECU51 Heavy Load Member

    Okay your full of questions,but yet no answers?(remember answers that would fit every driver out here,"good luck on that btw")

    Shipper&Receiver's-You are right where they want youin their dock

    As for the rest of your post I would ask you this first,,,Are you happy/content with your present employer(dont sound like they are a helping you at all)??? simple fix to this Find a new Job

    All the other conditions-Construction/accidents are part of the job

    NAPS- well with you "idea of a 6 hr sleeper period,I can see where you might need to take a "nappy"

    And the other things you pointed out like running out of hrs and no place to park? Trip plan better

    11-14-70 HOS best thing to happen to drivers(finnaly gave a driver an option on his day

    E-logs/EOBR's are our Penance for the past deeds of countless other drivers before you and all around you(if this dont apply to you then dont reply to this)

    And before you all start Screaming about the Good old days,ask yourself this,How many times in the old hours of service(8?-15-70) did a dispatcher say to you "sorry you HAVE TO COVER this load cause you SHOULD HAVE BEEN sleeping while you were sitting their,and you cussed to no end(it was a servitude system)
    brsims Thanks this.
  8. Scalemaster

    Scalemaster Heavy Load Member

    Mar 13, 2011
    Just because you have E-logs does not mean you get a free pass.

    We check a lot of E-logs, and it is the driver's responsibility to know how to retrieve the information for us. You still have to show me the same information as on paper logs.
    fancypants Thanks this.
  9. freedhardwoods

    freedhardwoods Light Load Member

    Feb 4, 2011
    SW IN
    Another way of saying the above is " I'm too lazy too work hard for the good loads so lets get rid of the hard workers so I can have some good loads."

    Just because you don't like the way you lived your life is no reason to force your way of doing things on other people.

    I rarely sleep more than 6 hours. 4 hours of thumb twiddling gets old really fast.

    I never heard that statement in the good old days. Until a dispatcher got to know me I would hear "Your empty already?"
  10. ECU51

    ECU51 Heavy Load Member

    Well lets see you have been "twiddling your thumbs" since they went to the 11-14-70 HOS then right?(so you must be used to it by now i would imagine) or your other choice is to leave the industry(your choice) again the world is full of "choices" that we all must make,you choose to drive,so that is part of that choice you have made

    nd you actually never have herd that said to you,,,really??? Well i Have to give you credit then you must have worked for some good companys never to have herd that phrase ever?So IF one did say that now you would have no problem running illegal then??? just wondering
  11. freedhardwoods

    freedhardwoods Light Load Member

    Feb 4, 2011
    SW IN
    We talked about this in the eobr thread. Safety has nothing to do with compliance. You read my safety record. I was making that safety record while running loads like Omaha to Phoenix next day, or SE Indiana to Reno in 2 days. You need to keep in mind that you can run 75+ mph out west and nobody will bother you.

    I have never been able to run all night. I get sleepy before morning. When I used to run hard like that I would stop when I needed sleep and then go again.

    I want people that can work hard and do it safely to also be able to do it legally. Even today driving 11 hours leaves me having to find something to do with the rest of the day. As to whether I am used to it; No, a person never truly gets used to being forced to do something against their will.

    You gave the very solution to any problem that you might have with an employer.
    I have done just that a few different times, but never because they were pushing me. I did it twice because they weren't giving me enough to do.

    I do work for a really good company now. They like to see a driver get 2000 miles a week, but they don't actually require it. A driver can also use all his logbook hours if he wants. They use outside carriers to take whatever loads are left over

    I choose to fight government interference in peoples lives in many areas, not just hos. From what you have said so far, it appears that you want to force other drivers to drive the way you want to. I don't agree with that.

    If a driver can prove he can work hard and safe, he should have a way to do that legally. I am in favor of probationary cdl's for a period of time to prove you can operate safely. I would also be in favor of taking it one more step.

    There could be many different ways of doing it, but one example would be if you received no tickets for 5 years you could get an exemption card that would allow you to run Alaskan hours. If you don't want to work that hard, you don't have to get the card. It would be a graduated system where the driver would have to safely work toward the next step only if he wanted to. That would prevent companies from pushing some drivers harder than they can safely work.

    I am basing this idea on the probationary teenager license that some states use, and the insurance reward program for teens that some companies use. Those two programs are working very well. Both of my kids received a $1,000 bond for driving safely.

    Another example of a similar program already in place is the hazmat endorsement. If you don't have it, a company can't make you haul a hazmat load.

    I don't ever expect to see that type of program until the government gets more concerned with safety than control.
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2011
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