El Dorado KS 54W/77N out of route ticket

Discussion in 'Trucking Industry Regulations' started by Waggledaddy, Mar 1, 2019.

  1. Waggledaddy

    Waggledaddy Medium Load Member

    Feb 24, 2016
    I wasn't arguing or being rude. I was explaining and trying to understand from my point of view.
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  3. Waggledaddy

    Waggledaddy Medium Load Member

    Feb 24, 2016

    The red marks the non truck route and blue marks the road which should be taken. However, my point is that the signs state that the road "Main St" is 54W/77N. As listed on maps of both GPS and Rand McNally Atlas. Even by their own signs it shows Main St as 54/77. From their stance, the sign right before Vine St that says truck route 54W/77N means you should take Vine St. Where I'm stating it's not clear is from the actual view from that sign you can see the sign ahead that says Main St is a junction for 54W/77N. It's harder to see from your photos you posted. I think there are some vehicles blocking them in one.
  4. Waggledaddy

    Waggledaddy Medium Load Member

    Feb 24, 2016

    I also forgot to mention that after the stop just a couple blocks north I ran into this sign on 54W/77N. A sign similar to this, or even a sign that specifically states that Vine St is the correct truck route not Main St, would work as well. All of the signs they have posted say the truck route is 54W/77N. Main St is 54W/77N. I'd completely own up to making a boo boo. Maybe it's just me and I don't understand it. It is what it is. Hiring a lawyer would cost the price of the ticket or more . Taking the day off and making the travel there to court would cost significantly more to fight it myself. It's really a worthless cause. I'd imagine that I'm not the only one this has happened to though.
  5. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    Here’s the sign coming from the east about 2 blocks before you need to turn.


    Here’s the sign at Vine St. It’s not obstructed by the pole of you move your street view out into the travel lane away from the curb.

    This is the sign with truck route info when you’re coming from the north.

    Truck route sign coming from the south.

    Note at the bottom it says “Truck Route strictly enforced. Local deliveries only”. Just because there aren’t any “No Trucks” signs doesn’t mean you can stray off a marked truck route.
    kemosabi49 Thanks this.
  6. Waggledaddy

    Waggledaddy Medium Load Member

    Feb 24, 2016
    I saw all of the signs coming from the East. I didn't miss any of them. They state to take 54W/77N right? Main St is 54W/77N. Vine St is not. Maybe a sign that specifies all trucks must use Vine St? I've seen plenty of those all across the country. I'm not arguing that I don't see their point that Vine St is the truck route. Something these pictures don't show is the spot between Vine St and Main St is currently under construction. It merges from 2 Lanes to 1 Lane westbound. I saw the signs. I actually prepared to make a right onto Vine St. It just didn't look right in the moment. As I looked ahead I saw the junction sign for the highway being main St and chose to go there instead. I made the wrong decision. I second guessed the signs. In that specific moment it was and even now is confusing. It's not clear like most areas that have these types of routes. Or maybe it is and I'm not meant for this profession.... I'm sure most of y'all will lean to that. Lol
  7. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    Not saying that you’re not cut out for it at all, I ran down that way a lot when I hauled cattle and the cops sort of have a reputation for waiting to catch trucks off the truck route. Next time you go through there it will be more clear.
  8. Ridgeline

    Ridgeline Road Train Member

    Dec 18, 2011
    Look dude, relax.

    Explaining it to the cop is meaningless, once she issued the ticket she can't take it back. So thank her for her working an almost more dangerous job as you do and move along.

    Get a traffic ticket lawyer and get it reduced or tossed.
    buzzarddriver Thanks this.
  9. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    The yellow truck route signs aren’t stating to take 54W/77N, they give the arrows for which way to turn onto the truck route. You were only going a block to 77 north but if you were going west on 54 you would’ve followed the truck route and made a loop around most of the town.

    The signs say the truck route is strictly enforced and you were off the truck route. Now you have to decide if you want to spend the money to fight it.
    Deere hunter Thanks this.
  10. truckdriver31

    truckdriver31 Road Train Member

    Sep 18, 2013
    could have gone 54/61/50 back to 35 at the j. i use to run that route all the way to I-10. take us 50 at the flying j. run it to ks 61 to us 54 to I-40 to us 54 to us 70 to I-10. thats living the dream right there. us 54 in the panhandle isnt for snow flakes durning the storm season js
  11. doc43204

    doc43204 Bobtail Member

    Aug 14, 2018
    should something similar happen in the future, just go along. don't agree that you've done anything but don't debate or argue. after it is over contact your attorney and give them all your information and evidence. Arguing with a LEO is like arguing with a stubborn ex, they come in believing they are right and you are wrong.
  12. Lyle H

    Lyle H Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    Waggledaddy said:
    "However, my point is that the signs state that the road "Main St" is 54W/77N. As listed on maps of both GPS and Rand McNally Atlas. Even by their own signs it shows Main St as 54/77."

    There are signs marked like this in a lot of towns.......FOR CARS!
    Signs designated for trucks are marked......wait for it.......TRUCK ROUTE!
    Humblepie and Long FLD Thank this.
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