engine light but no faults or warnings

Discussion in 'Heavy Duty Diesel Truck Mechanics Forum' started by GAShog19, Nov 13, 2024.

  1. GAShog19

    GAShog19 Bobtail Member

    Dec 28, 2022
    Englewood, Oh
    I have a 2019 Kenworth T680 with the Paccar MX13 ... for about a week now I start it in the morning after a reset and the engine light will be on ... no faults ... no warnings ... seems to be running fine ... I drive it and after so many shut downs and restarts the light goes away and its fine ... when Im on the highway it runs great ... in town it feels like it might be gasping for air ... not bad just a little sluggish ... any ideas
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  3. Goodysnap

    Goodysnap Road Train Member

    Jul 12, 2017
    If the engine light is on it has a fault logged. Need someone to get hooked up with Davie and see printouts.
    Arctic_fox and flood Thank this.
  4. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    The light can mean a software update is available/needed and it can mean you have a problem. KWs have a bug "STOP ENGINE NOW" and the smaller engine-looking icon I always called the check engine light. I think the small icon is the Engine Information Light. It serves multiple functions. MY KW had either a satellite or cellphone link built-in that can trigger the EIL and send info about your driving and engine parameters to the boss and the factory/dealership.
  5. NorthEastTrucker

    NorthEastTrucker Heavy Load Member

    Sep 21, 2019
    I just had something similar happen with my Paccar MX13. Peterbilt told me it's a it's has to do with the Air Intake. Originally, at a local mechanic I go to had a reas that it had could be the Turbo Actuator. Peterbilt had a more accurate reading on the problem. My truck has around 187,645 mi on the motor with 4125 hrs. I rarely idle the truck unless when at the border more than 1 hr I usually shut it down after 15 minutes of idling. I change the oil between 15k to 18k mi's . Yours is 2019 so, it's probably has a lot more miles but I'm finding that Paccars can sit to long or else something wants to start seizing up.

    Paccar 1857666PE - KIT-FSOV/ASOV MX13 | FinditParts

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  6. GAShog19

    GAShog19 Bobtail Member

    Dec 28, 2022
    Englewood, Oh
    it ended up being the VGT actuator ... replace it ($1500 and some change for the part) seems to be all good now
    NorthEastTrucker Thanks this.
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