You can PM your e-mail to tip or ask the mods to pass pm's. It can work either way. TIP pm me about that bill board and we will talk. I'd rather work for swift or werner than CREngland.
What kind of truck are running for JCT?
England tries to get us for abandonment of truck
Discussion in 'CR England' started by runningonempty, Apr 29, 2008.
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No Running on Empty, that is not my picture.
That is logo for Mexican TV comedy show that has a large cult following among Gringos here. It is so bad that you can't miss it. Glad to hear you are doing well at JCT. See their rigs at Petro in Weatherford all the time. No junk. Better get busy if you are buying in New Braunsfel. That area has gotten expensive. Brother lives in Westlake near Austin. Prices are out of sight. Keep us posted and screw CR England.
I can truly sympathize with u. I heard horror stories of that place. Hubby went to a weekend school and then joined w/ England for a year to pay off the school. Then we had enough, left the truck in a guarded drop yard and took what little money we had, got a U-haul and went with JCT. JCT pays all taxes and permits. The only thing you pay for on a weekly basis is your truck payments and fuel. A couple of stipulations to join JCT is that you currently have one year over the road experience (you have to be driving for another company when you join them and have a year in). you get 92 cpm plus it's now 48 cpm fuel surcharge. So we're making $1.40 a mile. Plus every quarter if you have a clean record no accidents or road violations you will get $900.00 safety bonus. On top of that if you're doing good on gas you get a bonus for that too I believe. And no sitting on loads like England makes you do. If you're early for an appt, you drop the load at a yard a local takes it to the destination while you're going down the road with another load. So that's why we left England. Also unlike England, Mr. Christner says for the first month you're with him, no truck payments and he gives you 200 gallons of fuel for nothing. After 3 to 5 yrs., the truck's paid for, you give him a dollar and he gives you the title of the truck and it's yours to do as you please. They'll have to pry us loose from JCT. So if you want you might want to look into them.
Running -
We're new with JCT so it was get what you can. Right now my hubby's driving a Freightshaker Classic XL 2006. We want an International with an APU. So the man at JCT told us to come back to the yard in 90 days for the International with an APU. The Freightshaker runs good, but darn does it lack room. You have to be Twiggy to move around in this thing I'm telling ya. With my little comp table in here for my laptop or my hubby and I standing at the same time no room. So that's the truck.
Running -
Like I told King and I'm sure you read that right now we're in a Freightshaker Classic XL. Truck runs good but no room. In 90 days we want that International. My hubby and I just want an acre or two of land with a double wide on it. Right now we're making a $1.40 a mile. Fuel surcharge varies depending on the diesel prices. But a friend of ours says he never seen JCT go below a $1.25 a mile. My hubby's a runner. He has done close to 5000 miles a week and he's solo. I navigate with Mapquest and our cat copilots when he's not sleeping.
And of course he sleeps more. Hubby says he's routing out the next course. But even with that and running between 4500 to 5000 which one guy does with JCT we should have no problems. You figure 4500 miles times $1.40 a mile is $6,300 a wk. Naturally minus truck payment and fuel and taxes you could still be talking $3,000 a wk. Still not too shabby. We'll see what happens when the time comes. We're going to fight like heck for it. I have all of you and nice people here rooting for us after what England did to us. Thank you and you take care Big
Running -
My husband and me went to cr england driving school in burns harbor. Both of us got our cdls, but got burned in the truck did't bring home anymore than 90.00 a week and sometimes not anything at all. Did not take long to figure out something was wrong. We did take the truck back to burns harbor and had to our son come pick us up from tn. I suspect that our pay settlements were not correct but don't know enough about to figure it out. Now, we are pretty scared to go out again with another company. We all most lost our home and it wouldn't take much to be back their. Thanks a lot crengland get ya'lls act to gether.
My husband and I really should have gone home when our instructor that decided to get back in a truck with his grandson just up and returned his truck the day before we left on a run. He just told us to keep an eye on cre they were not tending to buisness in a legal way. Be careful he said.
they give you plenty of training to run the truck as a business. if you didn't pay attention and thought you would get it in time then this is almost always the outcome.
how many pay checks did you get at 90.00 ? the first one i got i would have been calling payroll, ic dept, ect.
I know this sounds like I'm getting down on you 2 but I'm not. cas the reality is some people have no business running their own truck. they should be company drivers, and you had that option after you completed the q fleet.
if you did not feel confident to run the truck as a business like picking up on time running ahead, delivering early, and making a profit...then you should not have come out of the q fleet un till you were ready.
Cr England did not push you in to a lease you chose that for your self.
let me make this real clear.....if you don't understand something do not just say ok then say to your self well figure this out on our own. make whoever is training you explain it to you both so that you both understand it crystal clear. -
The bad news is: If they CAN put one on your file, they WILL.
The good news is: They're reputation is SO NOTORIOUS for pulling these tricks that many companies will totally ignore the entry.
I kept my own tail covered by retaining email and qualcomm messages so my DM COULDN'T burn me with an "abandonment" claim... So when it came time to hire on with another company I wasn't worried. What the recruiter SAID about England was enlightening though. Her words:
"I don't want you to worry about your DAC with England. IF there's an abandonment there, we won't hold it against you. I've dealt with them, and our safety dpt is well aware of how they operate."
I guess that comment speaks for itself. My advice would be to challenge any false claims regardless of it it'll bite you.
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