England tries to get us for abandonment of truck

Discussion in 'CR England' started by runningonempty, Apr 29, 2008.

  1. geno

    geno Bobtail Member

    Apr 18, 2010
    big grey truck
    as a former lease operator & trainer @cre i can tell you. i turned my trk in with 1 yr left on my lease. turned my trk in # burns harbor IN. the right way. no problems. and i actually got back $4600 from my maintenance acct. when i did it. if you want to play the game @cre you have to do it their way.
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  3. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    I agree ... if you can't read a settlement statement, you have no business leasing a truck. But a couple of points ... training running a truck as a business? Do you mean the hotdog stand power point that they give at Premier, again at Phase1 upgrade and one more time at Phase2 upgrade? Because other than that I saw no training what so ever. Or even anyone who had the basic PnL understanding to even give such training.

    As far as the other departments helping with issues on your statement ... payroll will make any corrections you need ... provided you already know exactly what it is that is wrong and you have the incrontrivertible proof that you are right, they will fix right away and then again the next week when they screw it up the first time and finally will get it right by the 3rd week. As far as the IC department ... they deal with paperwork for leases. Anything else, they simply want to get you out of thier hair as soon as possible and will get down right rude if you persist.
    NavigatorWife Thanks this.
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