Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Gazoo, Aug 6, 2007.
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You guys know Sharon from payroll , she was let go 2 weeks ago .
Where is all the freight? ####..
yankatank Thanks this. -
Still going strong over here. I love the fact I’m home everyday and my work schedule.
Just curious, when is the Driver's Appreciation Cookout happening this week? You know, when everybody in the office wins a trucking GPS, tv, etc and has a cookout but none of the drivers are allowed to show up, or only the 'favorites' are allowed. I'll never forget the year I showed up, after I finished delivering a load. Only to be told there was no food left...right AFTER the fact that Scotty(local guy) was just told, in front of me, there was plenty of leftovers! Don't believe the 'EPES lies'!
C.O. Jones Thanks this. -
Yankatank, you’re still mad at Epes after all this time. Maybe you got fired. I don’t know, and don’t care. But you tell many lies on this forum about Epes, and I have problems with that. Personally, I still can’t grasp why you are even active on this forum because a) you don’t work for Epes nor b) you aren’t interested in Epes. Go post in forums with subjects that do interest you and stop spreading lies here, because some people may actually come here who are prospective drivers looking for a job and your lies turn them away. With all of that said, since you said you are friends with Tina, I’ve contacted her and she wants you to send her a PM on Facebook so she’ll know who you are. She wants you to reveal yourself. She wants to know who “yankatank” is. She has some things to tell you. Thanks!
Trucking Jobs in 30 seconds
Every month 400 people find a job with the help of TruckersReport.
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