Essential Information for New Drivers

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Admin, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. Mafia man

    Mafia man Bobtail Member

    Jun 3, 2015
    I have a question about the background check for hazmat. I completed the background check and was given the green light to take the written test. But is there a time frame as to how long I have to take it. It's been around 5 months.
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  3. Leon Phelps III

    Leon Phelps III Light Load Member

    Mar 9, 2013
    Los Ageles, CA
    It should take about 30 days more or less. 5 months means you might be in question by DHS
  4. Mafia man

    Mafia man Bobtail Member

    Jun 3, 2015
    I've already got my background check back. It was Ok. The job I was trying for fell thru so I never went to take the written rest. But now I've found another and was wondering if my check is still good or has it expired.
  5. EndHatred

    EndHatred Medium Load Member

    Jun 9, 2015
    That's exactly what I did. I had learned years prior to drive a shift & had always owned manual cars. My first job was for a non CDL local passenger van driving senior citizens & delivering food boxes to the county's elderly. From there I delivered donuts in a 16' straight box truck.
    Then with a clean record I added working Saturday's PT for UPS driving a 18' straight truck with manual shift delivering packages. That turned out to be my best reference for eventually driving big rigs.
  6. Kannonball

    Kannonball Bobtail Member

    Apr 29, 2015
    Under the Hood
    Thanks for the reply.
  7. EndHatred

    EndHatred Medium Load Member

    Jun 9, 2015
    Why don't you call your local DMV? Not sure if all states are the same on limits.
  8. Devil Dogg

    Devil Dogg Bobtail Member

    Jul 23, 2015
    I graduate school on Aug 18. My background is Marine Corps, but is overshadowed by my felony. Any advice on which companies to target for employment?
  9. EndHatred

    EndHatred Medium Load Member

    Jun 9, 2015
    Do a google search for "truck companies who accept felons" I know there are some. good luck
    jmick60 and Devil Dogg Thank this.
  10. Kent%##2%&-773

    Kent%##2%&-773 Bobtail Member

    Aug 15, 2015
    I researched this issue off and on for years while I was on paper waiting to get off it, so I could drive. The bottom line is that right now the demand for drivers is so great that you're record probly won't hold you back outta the gate, and after a year of experience it won't make one ####. Don't let some of the talk on the internet worry you, when you actually contact a company, its always the same final answer,yes we will gladly hire you. The pays the same too. Like I said, pay no mind to some of the talk on the internet, some of these guys get a little money in their jeans, and wanna let on like they are of "the finest moral standards" and of course their profession...etc etc know the type, make ya wonder start lookin em over real close to sure they were "born a male" or wonder if it would be rude to remind em that moms aren't automatically covered on rider policies. We're truck drivers man, notorious for being free spirited, not afraid of bein alone, the dark, or whatever unknown fear it is that keeps these idiots from experiencing life or freedom, pay no mind, its the same guy who was tattlin on ya while you were in the backa the class kissin a girl, and the teachers thinking "God, what a little twerp" lol sorry man got to goin on, I've had a couple beers,any way my cousin just came outta his bedroom this chick he's got there finally passed, he's a truck driver don't tell the DOT ...moral interpitude, and what will the community think...who would expect this kinda behavior out of a couple truck drivers
    Linnysmom, lovetwodrive and Aryi Thank this.
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