Essential Information for New Drivers

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Admin, Jan 14, 2015.

  1. Kannonball

    Kannonball Bobtail Member

    Apr 29, 2015
    Under the Hood
    I'm a gas hauler and I've seen plenty of Women gas haulers lately who are doing a helluva job. If they can do it, you can do it. Great lifestyle, $$$, home every night to sleep in your own bed!!!. Clean MVR a must. Most companies are looking for driving experience, but with the driver shortage, you may, and if persistent will, find one that will train you. Also, relative to the school tuition, some states, if not all, have funds dedicated to retrain "displaced" workers in fields where there is a very high demand and/or shortage of workers. Truck driving has both. And the definition of displaced is VERY flexible. DO NOT, I REPEAT DO NOT fall for the "company paid" training offers if at all possible. The choice boiling down to servitude or freedom. Get your CDL-A on your dime or the State's dime then YOU are free to choose the type of driving that suits you, depending on experience requirements. Lastly, do your homework BEFORE you make any commitments. Good Luck & Safe Driving.
    PNW_transplant, joewispers and AngelaW Thank this.
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  3. AngelaW

    AngelaW Bobtail Member

    Sep 10, 2015
    Northeast FL
    How do I search for companies hauling gas?
  4. 123456

    123456 Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2010

    florida gasoline haulers
    AngelaW Thanks this.
  5. ac120

    ac120 Road Train Member

    Aug 27, 2010
    Angela W --

    IMO, Desiree's stuff is a bit too sour and a bit self-serving; her views are her own.

    Here are a couple of women who've been trucking for awhile, one in the U.S., and one in Europe -- the work and its pleasure and pains seem to be about the same everywhere, but their YT clips (and Alycia's FB pages) are positive. Good role models. They're both consummate professionals. Unlike a lot of men.
    Alycia's clips -- she ran solo for 13 years. Hers are the only YT videos that ever make me think about getting back on the road:
    Iwona's YT channel --

    For another view of the work and the life: "Road Rage Little Trucker" (Google it) is the blog of a woman who did/does flatbed/auto hauler in the U.S. The blog's not currently active, but when it was, it was, without exception IMO, the single best trucker's blog on the 'Net. Probably still is.
    themikep87 Thanks this.
  6. joewispers

    joewispers Medium Load Member

    Dec 21, 2013
    Just had to do it.....[​IMG]...
    ME & MY TRUCK LLC Thanks this.
  7. spaniard

    spaniard Bobtail Member

    Dec 18, 2015
    Well said Kannonball
  8. usemeabuseme

    usemeabuseme Bobtail Member

    Jan 1, 2016
    I graduated from cdl school on aug 14. i was fortunate to get a drivig job on a hollywood movie project in santa fe, nm . 500.00 a day for 3 weeks was kick ### pay but after the movie wrapped....i cant find anything short of swift, werner, prime, cr england , eagle, western express. Im concerned that i will be stuck with some psycho toothless meth head, or 400 pound burrito pounding, pants pooping, non showering , knock a buzzard off a tuna boat ####house plank smelling, repulsive buger picking/eating piece of #### "trainer" that pushes me to violate EVERY DOT REG in the land......should i go back to being a limo driver???? #### me.
  9. duckdiver

    duckdiver Road Train Member

    Mar 28, 2012
    Surf city
    Not all trainers are bad, you can request a new one especially if you say it's a safety issue, it becomes a liability on their part and they'll get you a new trainer's only a few weeks.

    Don't know know how much limo drivers make but I never made less than 60k driving a truck so if you can put up with a guy for 3 weeks it's worth it.

    Looking back, I'm glad I had my trainers, I didn't know how to do squat
  10. usemeabuseme

    usemeabuseme Bobtail Member

    Jan 1, 2016

    Duck.......thx for the reply. Who do you recommend i work for first? Which outfit is more dedicated to proper training than team miles ?? The only company that doesn have gutter ratings is Western Express. BUt, thats just a blog. Whats your opinion
  11. G13Tomcat

    G13Tomcat Road Train Member

    Jun 7, 2011
    search posts by @Chinatown .... all over TTR. He has the best info and advice on where and how to begin. Your location would help; if missed it i apologize. It's not on your profile.

    Best of luck to ya!~
    amaxi31 Thanks this.
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