Ever deliberately stopped in the middle of the street to make a turn?

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by expedite_it, May 20, 2024.

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  1. expedite_it

    expedite_it Road Train Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    I've been a trucker for ten years. When making a left hand turn, I would estimate that about ten times in my career I have waited until there was no traffic coming from the left, and I have pulled out into the middle of the street and deliberately blocked traffic from my left, and I just waited out in the middle of the street until there was no traffic coming from the right to complete my left hand turn.

    Here is a drawing of what I did:

    Left hand turn --- the truckers report.jpg

    In the drawing above, my tractor-trailer is the blue tractor-trailer. I just pulled out and stopped just where the blue truck stopped in the drawing. When I am making a left-hand turn, I only pull out into the street and deliberately stop in the middle of the street after waiting to turn for ten minutes. I actually time it when I am making a left hand turn on very busy streets. I only need to do this about once per year. When I deliberately stop in the middle of the street like this, I feel like if I don't pull out and stop in the middle of the street, I will be waiting to make the left hand turn all day. That would also block all the motorists behind me all day also.

    One time I had a teammate that was making a left hand turn, and he erroneously thought that he was clear from both the right and the left, and then at the last minute, he realized that the traffic coming from the right was going too fast and too close, and he accidentally had to stop in the middle of the street. I'm not asking about if you ever accidentally had to stop in the middle of the street because you misjudged the time that you had to make a left-hand turn. I'm asking about if you ever pulled out into the street knowing that you were going to stop in the middle of the street.

    When making a left-hand turn, have you ever deliberately pulled out into the street knowing (knowing before you even press on the accelerator pedal) that you are going to stop in the middle of the street and block traffic?

    I am sure that doing this is illegal, but do you think that DOT would condone it if it looked like I would be at the stop sign waiting to make the left-hand turn all day if I didn't pull out and stop in the middle of the street?
    Last edited: May 20, 2024
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  3. Sons Hero

    Sons Hero Road Train Member

    Jan 8, 2021
    I do not do that. I make 4 right turns, and come out on a street with a traffic light and no cars
  4. JC1971

    JC1971 Road Train Member

    Jul 29, 2013
    That's often not possible.

    After a certain point, I give up waiting on a break in traffic from both directions at the same time. Otherwise, you're going to be sitting there all day.
    W923, LoneRanger, Bud A. and 5 others Thank this.
  5. expedite_it

    expedite_it Road Train Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    Since I made a thread asking about stopping in the middle of the street to make a left-hand turn, I thought that this might be a good time to create another thread asking about stopping in the middle of the street to make a right-hand turn.

    About a week ago, I deliberately stopped out in the middle of the street (blocking traffic) to make a right-hand turn. I think that this is the only time in my ten year career that I have blocked traffic to make a right-hand turn.

    Here is a drawing that shows what I did:

    second edit right hand turn.jpg

    The only tractor-trailer in the drawing is my tractor-trailer. Jabroni Boulevard is an undivided highway with no median. Those yellow lines in the traffic are just the yellow paint on the street to make the lanes.

    So let me narrate this from the beginning. As I approached the intersection of Oak Street and Jabroni Boulevard, the traffic light was red. So I stopped at the intersection. There was so much traffic coming from both the left and right that I could not make the right hand turn when the light was red.

    Then the traffic light turned green. But I did not drive forward the first time that the traffic light turned green. I did not do a good job in making the drawing to scale. So you might not be able to see the key to this. The key to understanding this is the following: I had to pull my tractor-trailer in the West bound lane of Jabroni Boulevard in order to clear the curb at the intersection of Oak Street and Jabroni Boulevard. I colored the area where the curb was with a green line. I had to buttonhook the turn into the west bound lane of Jabroni Boulevard in order to not hit the curb. So I could not make my right hand turn until there was no traffic coming from BOTH the left and the right because I had to buttonhook onto the westbound lanes of Jabroni Boulevard. When the light turned green, there was no traffic coming from the left (because the eastbound traffic on Jabroni Boulevard had a red light), but I did not make the right hand turn because the westbound lanes of Jabroni Boulevard were filled up with cars that had the right of way. I was not going to bully my way through the intersection. So the traffic light turned red again. There was too much traffic coming from both the right and the left to make the right hand turn the second time I was stopped at the intersection with a red light.

    When the traffic light turned green the second time, I planned ahead of time to pull my truck into the hammer lane of the eastbound side of Jabroni Boulevard and just stop there (as depicted in the drawing), blocking traffic. The cars on the westbound lanes of Jabroni Boulevard blocked me from completing the buttonhook turn. So when the light turned green again for the cars on Jabroni Boulevard, I was blocking the eastbound traffic on Jabroni Boulevard. I just waited on Jabroni Boulevard until the westbound lanes of Jabroni Boulevard were clear, and then I completed my buttonhook right-hand turn. I feel like if I did not block traffic like this, I would have been at that intersection all day, and I feel like I would have blocked the traffic behind me all day too.

    Have you ever pulled your truck out into the street and deliberately stopped and blocked traffic to make a right-hand buttonhook turn?
    Last edited: May 20, 2024
    austinmike and blairandgretchen Thank this.
  6. expedite_it

    expedite_it Road Train Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    *Sigh* Unfortunately, I had to click on the "Show ignored content" icon to confirm for sure that "That's often not possible" was a reply to a user I have on ignore, not a reply to the OP.

    So you have waited until there was no traffic coming from the left before and then pulled out into the middle of the street and stopped your truck in the middle of the street to deliberately block traffic from the left, and then completed the left-hand turn once you are clear from your right; correct?

    How long do you wait until you pull out into the middle of the street and block traffic from the left? I wait ten minutes.

    Yes. If you pull out into the middle of the street and stop, sure, you are blocking traffic that has the right of way, but if you stay there all day waiting to make the turn, you are going to also block the flow of traffic behind you all day too. So I think that DOT should condone this if the street is extremely busy.
  7. expedite_it

    expedite_it Road Train Member

    Sep 8, 2012
    If you have deliberately stopped in the middle of the street and deliberately blocked traffic coming from your left to make a left-hand turn before, how long did you wait until you decided to just pull out in the middle of the street and stop in the middle of the street? Like I said in the OP, my standard is to wait ten minutes.

    How often do you have to pull out in the middle of the street and block traffic to make a left-hand turn? For me, it's about once per year.
  8. Sons Hero

    Sons Hero Road Train Member

    Jan 8, 2021
    @Kyle G. he struck again! Bring the Crayolas!
  9. Sons Hero

    Sons Hero Road Train Member

    Jan 8, 2021
  10. kylefitzy

    kylefitzy Road Train Member

    Aug 12, 2007
    Kansas city,Mo
    Thank god you clarified who that blue trailer belonged to. I was very confused, thought maybe someone dropped one right in the middle of the road! That would be crazy!
    W923, Bud A., Jamie01 and 6 others Thank this.
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