Everyone says CRST is bad?

Discussion in 'CRST' started by Garzaci, Dec 28, 2013.

  1. rockstar_nj

    rockstar_nj Medium Load Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Cape May Court House, NJ
    Unions are only as good as the people running them. They get risky. Not sure about trucking, but I've worked union jobs before. Some were great, and really made the job better than it would have been, but others just took our money and did pretty much absolutely nothing for us. So when it does come to those union jobs ,you still gotta research, not all unions are there for the employees.

    For anyone else thinking about CRST. This company is terrible. It's the single worst experience you're ever going to have... But they serve their purpose. After your 6 months, you can make decent money, but remember, it's what most companies would start a solo driver at. The pay, while it sucks, is actually decent for companies like this. You make less, but you drive faster. You can average up to 1,000 miles more / week over some other companies just from that extra 10mph that you can drive.

    I'm not saying CRST is a good company, just pointing out that it's just as bad at other choices.

    If you can get your CDL on your own through privately paying for school, definitely do that. You'll learn way more than you will being trained for CRST. Avoid these contracts.
    Shaggy Thanks this.
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  3. Safari Joe

    Safari Joe Light Load Member

    Jul 5, 2012
    Hasn't changed one bit
  4. Shaggy

    Shaggy Road Train Member

    Sep 21, 2006
    You pretty much summed up the union trucking also. Union fella. Varies for each person and location. Not a Union Thread so it's dead topic.

    You sir, described it so simple in a nice way about CDL license / CRST.

    Verbal Judo you are a master lol
  5. lethedude

    lethedude Bobtail Member

    May 8, 2013
    I'm here now and I'm looking for another starter company to many lies to deal with so y should I stick around there even trying to get me to sign a contract for a refresher class just because there f up clutch need gas when coming off into 3rd gear then stall out likes its in 7th or something I I never had this problem with over 10 student 10 speed s until I got here to cedar rapids
  6. rockstar_nj

    rockstar_nj Medium Load Member

    Apr 26, 2013
    Cape May Court House, NJ
    so start in 4th? You're empty, you can do that.
  7. Donald70

    Donald70 Bobtail Member

    Jan 8, 2014
    Don't listen to these yahoos there just new to the wonderful world of trucking and are paying their duedues I've done this for 15 years I got into it after the 1st gulf skirmish. Your gonna have to be disciplined and take the good with the bad and learn what a sleep shift cycle is ( Nyquil works wonders in a pinch) you'll do fine I cant tell ya how to spend your money but sandwich bread and Turkey isnt really expensive a coleman electric cooler will put you out a hundred twenty $ and you can get a nice gps at radio shack for around $190 I prefer the tom tom . when you get your bearings from your road atlas you can adjust your route so you dont go under any low bridge. with all that said its up to you what you want to do , cant let these sea lawyers spoil it for ya. CVN 69 G3 DIV 128 Mag.
  8. Wolfyinc

    Wolfyinc Road Train Member

    Apr 21, 2013
    Salem, or
    more like dont listen to the guy who just joined and only posted 2 post and both in crst.....a lot of people with years on them posted, not everyone is new and "paying dues"....

    Just stay clear from crst
    Safari Joe Thanks this.
  9. mpow66m

    mpow66m Heavy Load Member

    Jul 6, 2011
    J&R Schugel hires hires new drivers,family owned smallish comp..36cpm,but its per diem.Not a bad comp.
  10. Donald70

    Donald70 Bobtail Member

    Jan 8, 2014
    Just tryin to help I see some that like this co. and others that despise it just because one guy considers it to be a failure doesn't mean its so and yes I only have two posts because I just got registered but thank you for the opinion. I agree .22 cpm is low but these guy's coming out dont know the industry well and just because they are only seeing the negative dosen't mean its all that way
  11. Wolfyinc

    Wolfyinc Road Train Member

    Apr 21, 2013
    Salem, or
    crst starts at 22cpm? thats even lower than Swift who is the better evil compared to crst....

    I have known a lot of "one" guys who hated crst and only had bad things to say

    right now is slow season but if a rookie still managed to get 3k miles at 22cpm thats only $660....Swift starts at 25 which would be $750, some companies start higher than that

    company a guy posted above 36 thats $1080

    So would I rather start at a company thats not worth a crap and struggle at 22cpm or pick a company where I can actually feed myself....

    I started at 25cpm, now I average 46cpm but that 25cpm was very hard to take care of my family and if I could start over I would of seeked out alternatives.
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