Experience with your LTL company

Discussion in 'LTL and Local Delivery Trucking Forum' started by ACH1130, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. ACH1130

    ACH1130 Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Land of far far away,
    Although I do enjoy LTL, im trying to get into a different field of trucking. My dads friend tried getting me a job with him but due to everything being slow they told me they cannot hire another person.

    Also my step sisters step father told me he can get me into what he does(construction) when it picks up. He makes very very good moneyy as well, double what I make. He drives every truck they got too. HE said they dont hire anyone without experience but if you know someone they will train you(I know him though so im good).

    Other then that, YRC is still a good job to me, always treated me right, but for a while they were harassing me till our shop steward came back and he straightened them out. For whatever reasons they love the guys who are problems but the people who do put an honest days work in they harass
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  3. cool35

    cool35 Heavy Load Member

    Sep 6, 2010
    I agree with you that the hard workers and the ones who do everything right have higher expectations of them. It is like that at my yard. People call in sick and at the last minute. They mess up their log books, have placards when they have no hazmat. I just watch these guys in disbelief. Nothing ever happens to them. The guys like me are expected to do the unbelievable. One guy got put out of service for having a cracked rim and they just told him to be more careful next time. I should have know when they road tested me. I was driving the right way and the safety guy was so impressed. I was like doesn't everyone here drive right?
    Last edited: Sep 24, 2012
  4. ACH1130

    ACH1130 Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Land of far far away,
    Yea I dont mind the hard work or giving an honest day... guess it was how I was raised, but I get annoyed when Im going off my assigned route to help these other clowns with there pick ups or deliveries then having to go back to my area. I dont rush anymore and if I miss it I miss it... And they bring these guys back early and give them the big ovetime accounts that require only night time pickup/delivery
  5. 074344

    074344 Road Train Member

    Aug 4, 2007
    Los Angeles, ca
    If you want to talk about "They're all the same, man." you have to stand in awe of the many junk OTR companies that litter this site. Junk pay, junk benefits, time away from home, working for free, road expenses etc. And the list goes on.

    Talk about different colors and logos. The OTR companies seem to be one in the same. Minus the subtle differences that don't add up to much for most of the drivers.
  6. 074344

    074344 Road Train Member

    Aug 4, 2007
    Los Angeles, ca
    And by the way, this is a good sub forum. Please leave out the references to the Unions. If not, it will be buried into the politics forum only to be lost forever. Somehow, the moderators found that there were way to many heated arguments to allow the Union forum to continue. Shame. Most wanted to provide information to drivers that there are better companies to work for. It wreaked of jealousy from the non Union side. Maybe that's why they had to step in.

    Keep up this sub forum to help others.

  7. ACH1130

    ACH1130 Road Train Member

    Jan 23, 2011
    Land of far far away,
    Fair enough I will NOT mention about the union then...

    Ill post more experiences I have with LTL though later though
  8. cool35

    cool35 Heavy Load Member

    Sep 6, 2010
    Wow I didn't realize it go so nasty with the union and the forums.
  9. Marksteven

    Marksteven Road Train Member

    Apr 24, 2009
    Bumble Fxxx

    Yupp, your right driver, they are all the same. Every LTL driver i know from every company is living the dream that most guys stuck in a dead end job living out of a nasty suitcase sleeping in a truck and eating crap road food wish they had. yea, it sucks to punch in at 8:00AM and return to the terminal at 4:00PM and on your way home. :yes2557:
  10. 074344

    074344 Road Train Member

    Aug 4, 2007
    Los Angeles, ca
    I didn't think it got nasty at all. It was pro union vs anti union and it was a passionate good debate. We all know, for the most part, union drivers make more and have better benefits than their non union counterparts. Not all though. I have a few friends that work for good non union companies that meet or exceed what union companies have to offer.

    Debates are good. It allows everyone to make up their own mind and come to their own conclusion.

    The Moderators saw it differently than I did.
  11. Big Don

    Big Don "Old Fart"

    Sep 8, 2007
    Utah's DIXIE!
    More like 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM. With (maybe) 1/2 hour lunch break, but probably not. I've NEVER seen an 8-4 local trucking job, unless it was delivering for some private company such as plumbing or HVAC supply, or the like.
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