Factoring Companies That You Recommend For Owner Operators?

Discussion in 'Ask An Owner Operator' started by SlimGoodyNC, Jul 18, 2024.

  1. Vitkouski

    Vitkouski Light Load Member

    Mar 6, 2016
    If you used your credit card for 100$ and paid it off 1 month later. Bank charges you 2$ interest. That's means that the APR is 24%. Not 2%.

    So your customer returning the money to your factoring company after one month not after a year!

    Multiple factoring rate by 12 (11 in worse case) and if you can get money cheaper then get it.
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  3. bamanation

    bamanation Heavy Load Member

    Jan 22, 2009
    Muscle Shoals ,AL
    Some of you people honestly have not got a clue how factoring works. First off you’re not paying an APR you pay a flat fee for the service. OTR for me is .03% if you factor $1000 you pay $30 for the service of having $970 put into your account the same day or the next depending on what time that you send in the invoice. I love how some of you act like 30-45 days is normal for getting paid if you bill a customer direct. I’ve got direct customers that will let you wait 90-120 days. I only factor brokered freight on my end. Getting my money the next day plus unlimited credit checks on anyone that I do business with is well worth the .03% that I pay for the service. I’m a one truck operation. They’ve told me that if I decide to grow that they would cut that rate down to get my business. Once again it is a flat rate not an APR like some on here have suggested.
  4. Vitkouski

    Vitkouski Light Load Member

    Mar 6, 2016
    I can say the same about my credit card.
    It's not 36% APR it's a 3% monthly fee.
    wichris Thanks this.
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