Fake Team Driving Scam: ALL ELD Systems Affected.

Discussion in 'ELD Forum | Questions, Answers and Reviews' started by ihaveaquestion, Jan 22, 2024.

  1. ihaveaquestion

    ihaveaquestion Medium Load Member

    Jan 3, 2024
    Mainly Chicagoland does this, so what they do is they buy an ELD service platform from overseas although the ELD platform believes they are in America because they furnish a credible USDOT/MC, vehicle count, and fake business fronts.

    So even though they’re dispatching from overseas & not American-based whatsoever, the scammers use Google voice numbers, fake websites & fronts to create false imitations to the ELD platforms. Then they’ll imitate the ELD customer service line of the actual ELD platform to the drivers and then the carriers scam their own drivers, brokers, and shippers/receivers with weekly production.

    The drivers don't actually team drive it's fake in reality but on paperwork, the scammer carriers reverse engineer the way elogs works, there’s not ever really two drivers for the one shipment it's really only one driver. Brokers have no idea they just let a team load ship by a solo driver working under a foreign scam carriers Pretending to be an American carrier company.

    It's really all the ELD platforms fault because theres No verification system for the driver HOS protection at length, ELD platforms haven't designed a way to prevent the scamming from Russia, India, or other countries scamming all over America…. and then what the scammer carriers do as well…is after even the Driver no longer works there for the scam carrie, the scam carrier still use the CDL drivers license without the drivers knowledge even though he/she is long gone month and months later. The scam carrier takes the drivers CDL Credentials amongst the other drivers doing fake team driving and without permission of the CDL driver uses the drivers license.. The scam carriers do this to falsify record government filings to drive up vehicle mileage fraud, tax evasion, falsify production, and so so forth.

    So basically say CDL drivers at home out of work for months but they are actually working at companies all throughout the states where their license is being utilized but they’re actually never there because they don't actually have a job… but the scammer carriers from overseas with the false fake American fronts are illegally using the drivers CDL license while the real driver is actually out of work at home wondering hmm where should I work next.
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2024
    Freddy57 Thanks this.
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  3. Lyle H

    Lyle H Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    What does buying the eld platform from overseas have to do with what you are trying to say?
    If you wanted you could create a fake second driver and “team” any load you wanted anywhere.
    Until you got caught……
    Concorde, LoneRanger, ZVar and 3 others Thank this.
  4. ihaveaquestion

    ihaveaquestion Medium Load Member

    Jan 3, 2024
    The point is don’t get caught, that’s how they prevent not getting caught, imitating and lying.

    also because they’re overseas technically considered untouchable, one would need the ICC international criminal court to really get them. the USDOT or FMCSA just pull their number and shut down their company that doesn’t prevent them from just opening up a brand new one and doing it again every couple of months. ELD platforms think it’s a new company starting a business. Meanwhile, it’s just the same client different company name because they got shut down.
  5. DUNE-T

    DUNE-T Road Train Member

    May 10, 2015
    Detroit, MI
    Let me simplify what OP is saying. Basically there tons of ELD providers with office stuff sitting overseas. You download their app on your tablet and run like you usually do, everything works fine. However, if you need something changed in your logbook, you call that ELD company and they change everything for you, so you basically run like you did with a paper log.
    Since those ELD providers are based overseas, US law enforcement not gonna go after them. All they do is removing them from approved ELD providers list, but they just open up a new ELD company and get going again.

    I would say more than 80% of so called "white Volvo" fleets use those ELD providers and that is another reason why rates are staying depressed. US is letting in a crazy amount of people through the southern border lately, tons of them go into trucking.
    Like in spot market car hauling business now, if you go to a car auction, all the drivers you meet will be fresh immigrants driving pickup trucks doing 4-5000 miles every single week.
  6. ihaveaquestion

    ihaveaquestion Medium Load Member

    Jan 3, 2024
    100% accurate
  7. Hammer166

    Hammer166 Crusty Information Officer

    Aug 18, 2007
    ~8600+' and loving it!
    I literally told a friend last week that I'd be very hesitant to ship one of my vehicles on the spot market because of the complete incompetency prevalent in that market.
  8. ihaveaquestion

    ihaveaquestion Medium Load Member

    Jan 3, 2024
    also one thing I forgot to mention the ELD platform, let's say qualcomm (for example) “has no idea that the foreign companies are actually using their platform to scam the country…

    think of the movie the matrix before they pull Neo into the white room or ask blue pill? red pill? they take the tracking worm out of his stomach in the car after they picked him up from under the bridge in the pouring rain lol

    Scam carriers are using the ELD system to reverse engineer the platforms & force illegal team driving on drivers and running paper logs, although electronic logs. If you remember the Super Mario Kart video game after your first lap, on your second lap you would be chasing a ghost, so you could beat your first lap record. That's how they do illegal team driving and keep it off the books and lie about everything even fuel taxes they lie about and everything else, purposely shut the company down every six months to prevent audit, the. Convert USD to Euro or whatever the currency is and pay the exchange rate… rob America blind, year after year for like the past 5-10-15-20 years etc


    It's really not the driver's fault if anything the driver is a hostage in their homeland… that's the even crazier part… so the driver starts at a company, the scam carrier gets them far away from home and then the driver stuck at the furthest point from home or the terminal… forced dispatch… driver forced to illegally team driver “calls up not the real ELD company aka the Google voice number” and must ask for a new shift… they know the driver can’t quit so they purposely keep the driver away from home and away from the terminal and if the driver quits then abandoned the truck, scam carrier puts an abandonment on the “innocent” drivers record… drivers hostage to their (scam companies) vehicle that they got from an auction, or even high-end scam carriers that scam drivers they have a dealership in Chicago or whatever state, any state that fronts them all these semi trucks, sell them to one company, who sells them to another company, mark up the price and that’s how they keep them off the dealership and protect the dealer so they can scam over and over and over.

    the government is an enabler because they have no verification system, no driver protection, no cybersecurity, no geofence or anything really. Heck they get hacked everyday with double brokering nonsense aside from this ELD BS & nonstop foreign scam carrier tomfoolery
    Last edited: Jan 22, 2024
  9. Snailexpress

    Snailexpress Road Train Member

    Apr 28, 2014
  10. ihaveaquestion

    ihaveaquestion Medium Load Member

    Jan 3, 2024
    Nope. No need to participate in that scam also.
  11. ihaveaquestion

    ihaveaquestion Medium Load Member

    Jan 3, 2024
    @Long FLD @gokiddogo @Ridgeline @Constant Learner
    @gentleroger & many others

    Enjoy learning about how I made Chicagoland my slave for 18 weeks & had them tell me how the operation works “Chicagoland you want me to drive for you, great spill the beans” and after running 18 weeks of collected data running
    • 80,000 miles
    • 4,346.667 miles per week
    submitted all the data, payroll, bill of landings, recordings, & more to all the right avenues for correctionto the FMCSA/USDOT. Plus keep in mind I have multiple family members in the USDOT. Probably the only person in the country able to get hired by Chicagoland, make them my child, then properly report them to the right avenues. According to United ELD they have no idea their ELD service was scammed and their customer service center was copied with a duplicate phone number for drivers to call and ask for a new shift.they make all their trucks do 5000 miles a week nearly if not, they fire the driver and then they commit vehicle fraud so the driver actually never works for them.

    it’s really just reverse engineering the ELD system running paper logs but doing electronic, overseas their controlling the 7-8 day spread and re-editing the logs so even in the DOT inspection the government can’t catch them. all summer I drove around doing over 4000 miles a week collecting data the whole time on all the companies haha

    Question: what owner operator in America is able to do all that for the country/market? What company driver in America is able to do all that for the country/market? What driver has any type has the balls to tell Chicagoland take a hike usdot been riding with me from before employment here haha? and when the driver goes in Clint Eastwood style saying “you gonna pull those pistols or whistle & dixie?” does some Chicagoland foreigner clowns even know that means? As the image reads 0 of them.

    also over the 18 weeks I destroyed about $5 million worth of equipment in the yard so whenever they come across those landmines on their balance sheet, they’re gonna realize a lot of their vehicles somehow just don’t work for some reason, made a nice bowl of spaghetti for the shop rates, which before the tow rate is gonna get REALLY totalled vehicles inoperable just tow it to the junk yard tooooo expensive

    Did the industry a solid favor, anyway let all the ELD systems past couple weeks know their being scammed or enable Chicagoland to exist and surprisingly none of the ELD platforms have any real cybersecurity or even “GEOfencing” to prevent hacking, reverse engineering or even protect drivers licenses from being used without their permission. But you know big companies like JB Hunt or Werner brag about being a pioneer for Electronic Logging since 1998… Yeah not really, obviously.


    Last edited: Jan 25, 2024
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