Falcon Transport, Co. - Youngstown Oh.

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by geargrinder, Nov 23, 2006.

  1. geargrinder

    geargrinder Medium Load Member

    Nov 23, 2006
    More than likely waiting.
    Oh yeah its weird, and the first night is the weirdest.

    You are operating as Trainer and Trainee, not a team. The Trainer will get his butt reamed if he shows sleeper time while the Trainee is driving.

    "The grossest time was when my third trainer,who NEVER zipped up the bunk curtain, bought himself a "Bigg Jugs" magazine." Be happy it was Bigg Jugs and not the Homo Gazette!!
    Drac1985 Thanks this.
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  3. CAJAMK51

    CAJAMK51 Bobtail Member

    Feb 3, 2007
    Hello! I am thinking of going with Falcon mid-March out of the Paulsboro, NJ terminal but going to orientation in Indiana. I saw your post while doing a search of Falcon. How is the equipment? runs? i plan to join the automotive division. thanks
  4. geargrinder

    geargrinder Medium Load Member

    Nov 23, 2006
    More than likely waiting.
    The equipment is fine,fairly new Internationals. Automotive is probably the way to go, because everyone seems to migrate to it after they pay their dues. All the orientation is in GARY, IN - something to do with Workers Comp laws. Good luck. I have no complaints.
  5. TNtrucker07

    TNtrucker07 Bobtail Member

    Jan 21, 2007
    A Falcon recruiter came to our school and the company sounded very good. I chose Roehl though over the fact that Falcon does not let you take your rig home -- the recruiter said it must always be left at the terminal and the nearest terminal to my home is 50+ miles and I did not want to have to drive that just to get to my rig or back home after leaving it especially since I have a farm with multiple acres to park on. Otherwise, I liked what the recruiter said and what I was able to find out about the company on my own.

  6. rancherman

    rancherman Bobtail Member

    Feb 26, 2007
    "Automotive contracts stink, expect a lot of unloading delays - especially at a certain GM plant in Ohio. The delays are not compensated."

    Could that be GM Toledo powertrain?
  7. wallbanger

    wallbanger "Enemy of showers everywhere"

    Nope, he was reffering to Lordstown,OH assembly.
  8. geargrinder

    geargrinder Medium Load Member

    Nov 23, 2006
    More than likely waiting.
    Still flying high with the Falcon. 3 months flew by. Job gets easier all the time. Heck I've done the GW Bridge and Cross Bronx Expressway without batting an eye.

    I like General Commodities because I am always running different routes. Each dispatch is a new adventure. I got 40K miles under my belt and haven't hit anything but the dock!

    I miss the adrenaline rush of the first few loads ! The QC directions tell you to Take exit XXX. When you get off the ramp a 12'9" clearance 1/4 mile ahead sign is staring at you!! Yikes.

    Does one ever really learn (and get comfortable with) blindsiding. I sure haven't!

    Boy I don't want to get arrogant about this truck driving thing, because we all know how easy one misstep can put you in your grave. Keep them eyes a moving and mind your following distance. Winter was an experience. I kept wondering if I was a wuss by slowing down, and eventually shutting it down. Invariably, I patted myself on the back the next day when I saw all the rigs in the medium and ditches. You wonder what the heck where these "Supertruckers" thinking? I now have the confidence in MY JUDGEMENT to do what I BELIEVE is right. There's a time for the putting the hammer down, and a time to just cool it and give yourself as much space as possible. Discretion is the better part of valor. Them signs showing a truck tipping over are there for a reason - and you can bet the reason is trucks tipped over and jammed up traffic for hours.

    With regards to your dispatch, don't take anything personally, and always sleep on it before you sound off on any real or percieved slight. I know I was about to read the riot act on a stinking 200 mile run in the Northeast, i bit my tongue and my next run was 1300 miles (which naturally means another run of equal distance coming back). Good deeds are rewarded, not always immediately, but they are rewarded.

    Just go without the flow, be personable, and don't whine. In some lines of work the squeaky wheel may get the oil. In trucking I think the squeaky wheel is ignored until it eventually falls off. The fact of the matter is the less contact with your dispatcher the better you are doing.

    Go Falcon.
  9. juanveldez

    juanveldez Light Load Member

    Apr 24, 2007
    Iron Mountian MI
    My older brother is also a driver, and worked for falcon during the same time frame and like you he didn't stick around there very long. He just recently teamed up with a buddy of his and they bought a truck together and hes now running crazy all over the country
  10. apache36

    apache36 Bobtail Member

    Sep 20, 2006
    Not sure until I get this one ticket off my MVR:biggrin_25523:
  11. bobrpm

    bobrpm Bobtail Member

    May 11, 2007
    Does anyone out there know anything good or bad about Falcon's flatbed division? I'm about to apply there. I live near a terminal, and their pay and benefits sound decent. Thanks.
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