Felony & being on Parole automatically mean no job?

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by Bsrlinmaz, Oct 3, 2014.

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  1. Rooster1291979

    Rooster1291979 Road Train Member

    Sep 4, 2012
    Then why even post this? To rub salt in? Why are you morally opposed when you do not know the circumstances that lead to this?
    No reason to be high and mighty here. Also, you look retarded with your nose that far in the air.
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  3. FatDaddy

    FatDaddy Road Train Member

    Dec 23, 2008
    Katy, TX or Swedesboro, NJ
    His original sentence was life. No way you get life for an accident.
  4. DSP

    DSP Light Load Member

    Oct 2, 2014
    Yes you can even for an accident or gross negligence. My guess is he was in a fjght and accidently killed someone.

    We dont know which state it was in, some being more hardnosed than others, or what kind of judge he had. If he was given a chance at parole and granted it 10 years later than we are talking murder in the second or below and he probably had a history of violence prior to the death and apparently has reformed himself in the eyes of the parole board who I doubt go around releasing convicted murderers all willy nilly without good reason.

    Im inclined not to hold it against him after doing his time. It was not premeditated and any of us is capable of doing things we never previously thought possible in the heat of the moment.
  5. Powder Joints

    Powder Joints Subjective Prognosticator

    Sep 25, 2007
    Rosamond, SoCal
    If you have every pushed someone in anger, tailgated someone that cut you off, threatened someone over the radio, lost your temper in anyway.

    If anything you have dome could result in the injury or death of another then you could br held accountable.

    This isnt speaking to anyine indivually, Say "You " is not literal, not meanng or acusing anyone. Just saying all of us that has ever gotten into a fight, could end up in the same place, not everyone in Jail is a Charles Manson, thats all, after time is served like it or not the penalty has been paid.
    The Challenger Thanks this.
  6. DSP

    DSP Light Load Member

    Oct 2, 2014
    BTW OP, being an ex con there are programs that will provide you free training in just about any feild you want. Ex cons are legally considered to have a temporary disability upon release and thereare services to help you reestablish yourself in society.

    The program that paid for my training because of a disability had the majority of their enrollees being from prison.
  7. DSP

    DSP Light Load Member

    Oct 2, 2014
    They dont release premeditated killers after only 10 years.
  8. dennisroc

    dennisroc Road Train Member

    Oct 9, 2013
    Anjung-Ri, South Korea
    I don't know about you but I think most people use " self control " before things get too out of hand. Just Saying !:yes2557:
  9. Mean Streak

    Mean Streak Light Load Member

    Jul 30, 2013
    Boyd, TX
    look at getting a class a cdl but doing class b work like driving a cement truck....plenty of that in phx as we just moved from there.
  10. chris886

    chris886 Medium Load Member

    Aug 22, 2013
    Chicago, IL
    You are so naive. It happens a lot more often than you would think. most convicted murderers spend less than 20 years in prison. Many less than 10 years. As stated in my previous post I work with someone that was a gang member and shot and killed a rival gang member. He only spent 12 years in prison.
    GenericUserName Thanks this.
  11. DSP

    DSP Light Load Member

    Oct 2, 2014
    That is just dandy
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