FFE linehaul

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by rotro13, Jan 18, 2025.

  1. rotro13

    rotro13 Bobtail Member

    Oct 9, 2023
    Anyone knows about or worked for frozen food express? their account sounding great
    nextgentrucker Thanks this.
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  3. runningman0661

    runningman0661 Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Clover, South Carolina
    @RebelChick works for them or a company owned by them.
    rotro13 and RebelChick Thank this.
  4. northstarfire0693

    northstarfire0693 Heavy Load Member

    Jul 1, 2006
    Can you be more specific. Not much to go off of.
  5. runningman0661

    runningman0661 Road Train Member

    Mar 5, 2009
    Clover, South Carolina
    She will reach out to you shortly.
  6. Allow Me.

    Allow Me. Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    May 28, 2009
    Rancho Mirage, Ca.
    I worked for them 3 different times in the 90's. FFE and American Eagle. Decent co. decent miles. Been in business since 1946. However, this is 2025 so, things may have changed there and they are married to KKLM out of Jackson, Ms.
  7. RebelChick

    RebelChick Road Train Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    Coastal VA
    I started doing linehaul for FFE in March of last year and then switched to regional/local in June because I didn’t really like being out for 16-18 days at a time even thought you’d get 4-6 days off. They are a pretty decent company to work for. The cpm for linehaul depends on your experience and it doesn’t matter if you have over 10 years of experience, they only go back 10 years. Not sure where you live, but I’m in SE VA and they flew me to Lancaster TX for orientation. That may have changed, though since they shut down the school there for now. On linehaul, you go terminal to terminal 99% of the time. If you get to a terminal and there are no linehaul loads, you have the option to run local loads if there are any. If there aren’t and you are there 24 hours, you receive layover pay. At this time, it is $75 per 24 hour period; HOWEVER, if the terminal you’re at calls you and asks you to do a local load and you say no, you won’t get layover pay. Doesn’t matter if you were there 24+ hours before they call you, you will get zero. Linehaul loads are loaded at the terminals Wednesday-Saturday (depending on how busy the terminal is), so if you arrive Sunday evening-Wednesday morning, be prepared to sit. You are allowed to PC (no limit within reason) to go do things while you wait for loads. Some terminals have driver lounges, laundry and showers. Others are bare bones.
    I couldn’t find much recent information on FFE either, but there is a team on YouTube, TyxTee TV, that I saw when researching FFE. Keep in mind, they are a team, the company knows they are on YouTube, and most companies will keep those folks happy (even if it’s on the DL). Ty and Tee don’t film like most do on that platform, but they do have some good information.
    Just ask and I’ll try to answer any other questions you have.
  8. rotro13

    rotro13 Bobtail Member

    Oct 9, 2023
    Thanks I appreciate you alot! on the regional side is it still terminal to terminal?
  9. RebelChick

    RebelChick Road Train Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    Coastal VA
    No. Regional is actual deliveries (think Sysco, USFS, McLean, etc) and/or pick ups. You are paid hourly instead of cpm. Usually you work M-F, but there could be some Saturday work (at least at my terminal) and the option to do linehaul work on the weekend (but it has to be where you can get a 34 in and continue your regular shift during the week.). It's a little slow right now, but normally you’d get 55-65 hours. Right now if I work all week, I have been getting 45-50 hours and if I add a linehaul out and back, 55-65. I don’t do many of those (maybe once a month when their other grandparents remember they have grandkids and decide they want to see them-they don’t know what they’re missing) because spending time with my grandkids is way more important than the extra $.
    Speed_Drums and rotro13 Thank this.
  10. RebelChick

    RebelChick Road Train Member

    Jan 2, 2012
    Coastal VA
    Oh, routing and fuel solutions as well, although they don’t get too bent out of shape if you want/need to change those. Fuel is PFJ mostly ( there is some kind of relationship between KLLM/FFE and Southern Tire Mart) with some TA/Petro and whatever is out west thrown in. I didn’t go farther west than the I-35 corridor, so I don’t know where.
    Speed_Drums and rotro13 Thank this.
  11. rotro13

    rotro13 Bobtail Member

    Oct 9, 2023
    i wish regional was open in my area. im out in GA the nearest terminal to me is like a hour away good thing its not too far not sure if they hold orientation out of state or not but still not bad. i might end up accepting the linehaul position i will keep u updated forsure!
    also, i sent u a pm
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