Firearms in truck

Discussion in 'Experienced Truckers' Advice' started by NATIONWYDE, Oct 7, 2006.


    NATIONWYDE Bobtail Member

    Sep 28, 2006
    If you have a concealed handgun license can you carry a firearm in the truck?
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  3. Rook

    Rook Light Load Member

    Sep 22, 2006
    It would not be a good practice, being that some of states do not allow you to carry a weapon in your vehicle. That is, if your an OTR driver. It used to be a federal law but I think it changed. Another thing is that your company may not allow it.
  4. Truck Vet

    Truck Vet <strong>NRA AMA Libertarian</strong>

    Aug 30, 2006
    Every LTL company I worked for had rules against it.
    Also I believe if you have a concealed carry permit
    it is only for the jurisdiction of the area that you recieved
    it. So if you drive over state lines its no good. I am not
    sure about the federal laws but I would bet there is probably
    one against truck drivers carrieing guns in our trucks. After
    all we are the only drivers that can't use radar detectors
    nationwide. We can't smoke in our trucks in NY. There is
    no way they would ever let a truck driver drive state to
    state with a gun unless you worked for the feds and were
    hauling somthing dangerous.
  5. Rook

    Rook Light Load Member

    Sep 22, 2006
    What!!! We can't smoke in our trucks in NY!!!!!!:confused1::confused1::confused1::confused1::confused1:
    Bigdaddy00 Thanks this.
  6. Truck Vet

    Truck Vet <strong>NRA AMA Libertarian</strong>

    Aug 30, 2006
    When I was up there a couple of years
    ago my company had announced a law
    stateing that smoking inside of trucks
    was illegal in NY. I have not kept up
    with it for all I know it was reversed.
    I don't smoke, but I just thought it
    was a stupid law. First time driving through
    NYC is not the time for someone to
    quit in my opinion. It was just a notice
    posted on a bulitan board at a terminel
    where I spent a night in their bunk room.
  7. earthbrown

    earthbrown Medium Load Member

    May 27, 2006
    Not cannot smoke in any workplace in NYS, however I believe vehicles were exempt.

    Either way, the police in NYS, have no jurisdiction to enforce the smoking law, the enforcement of the smoking law falls on the health departments, a regular state or local cop cannot write the ticket.


    NATIONWYDE Bobtail Member

    Sep 28, 2006
    I looked into the jurisdiction issue and they call it "The law of reciprocity" whereas if one state has a "c.h.l." and another state has one they can recognize each others. Say for instance A North Carolina license is valid in Texas because they both have gun permit laws and they recognize each others law. Yet i couldnt find anything on guns in commercial vehicles. I have a truck and my own authority so I don't have to worry about another companys policy. I didn't know you couldn't smoke in a truck in N.Y. Is it because they consider your truck a place of business?
  9. MACK E-6

    MACK E-6 Moderator Staff Member

    Sep 19, 2005
    Baltimore, MD
    The only thing I've heard resembling that was related to the ban on smoking in indoor workplaces, an OSHA regulation I believe. You "work" in your truck. It's "indoors" Therefore they could enforce a smoking ban.

    On the other hand, they could also apply that smoking ban to your personal vehicle if you are driving it on company business.
  10. Truck Vet

    Truck Vet <strong>NRA AMA Libertarian</strong>

    Aug 30, 2006
    Yes I believe your right on that.
    It was a NY only law and the drivers
    at the NY terminel had signs against
    smokeing in their trucks but only in NY.
    I am against smoking for myself but
    I think you should be able to smoke in
    a company truck alone. Just another
    stupid anti trucker law that will only
    be enforced in rare instances.
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