Hello all. Well I am reporting from the house. My Husband (love of my life) left Saturday to go to CR England by bus.Don't get me started on how bad Greyhound is! Can you even believe they are still in business.
First let tme say he is arriving with his CDL license already he went to school to get it serveral years back but has not been able to use it seems everyone wants 1 year experience. So that is why we thought maybe cr england was an option.
Well he finally arrived in Hammond IN and realized all the people on the bus with him were going to CR England too. HMM> No one had had any sleep and no food thinking they are heading to get a physical and drug test and then to the hotel for bed until Monday morning. The shuttle took them to a rat hole hotel with a strip club in it. made them wait for 2 hours for another bus to take them to cr engalnd for the drug and physical test. Oh by the way if you get caught in the stip club you are gone. Once he got to the location for the physical and drug test he got past that after waiting all day no food no sleep. He said they had trouble getting his blood preassure because he had not eaten or slept in a long time. After that they were giving people ROAD TESTS. No one had had any food or sleep all night from riding the bus and they were having these guys do a road test. Good thing he says they sent him back to the hotel they didn't get to him. They would do his road test thursday he was told. Thank god. well i talked to him a few minutes last night and found out all this. he said he had to be in the lobby to get on a bus to go to cr england at 6:15 am to have 3 days of class. sounds like HR stuff and england orientation. I havn't heard from him yet today and his cell phone is off. so hopefully i will hear from him tonight. I will continue my story then! I don't know i have an escape plan for him if he gives up but last i talked to him he had high hopes. so we will see. Would love to hear your comments. Also please forward any info you may have about ideas where he could find a job without 1 yr OTR expereince. He has 2 years straight truck experience. keep you updated soon ...
First day with CR england
Discussion in 'CR England' started by jls1024, Nov 17, 2008.
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well looks good so far. test on a rulebook was covered, background check. all he did well on. He says the hotel he is staying in is really nice. but there is one that is not very nice. so far so good we will see about day 3. that will be the second class day.
hey jls keep us up dated im from md really not considerign england but would like to hear him have a positive outcome just stay away from leasing
The Challenger, jls1024 and AfterShock Thank this. -
Yes, I turned down CRE just as I registered with this site, please update us daily if you get a chance
jls1024 Thanks this. -
Absolutely. with the economy the way it is it would only benefit the company for you to lease!Let them hve all the legal stuff to worry about and Health Insurance costs which are outrageous! thanks for the reply!
I sure will thanks for taking the time to write. I was looking for something like this on the different companies when he was talking about going but couldn't find anything. So hope it helps some people out.AfterShock Thanks this. -
All I can say is good luck,,And dont let them con him into their lease...
jls1024 Thanks this. -
Well all went well today. they went over benefits, payroll and the trailers reefers. They have a test tomorrow have to get 80 or better but it is open book. Sounds really good. I will say it seems like everyone has a different line up with their training. some have 2 weeks classroom some have 1 then they have 30 days OTR with a trainer. Sounds like the trainers go through a course to be a trainer so that is good.
Well sorry not much to report today. but all went well. I am doing ok getting used to be alone here at home. Once he gets going my plan is to go and get my CDL and go with him. We don't have any children so seems perfect for us. He can be a trainer after 90 days so hopefully I can go and then he can be my trainer. Gosh i hope i don't get put in the hotel with bugs. AGH!!! have a great night all!AfterShock Thanks this. -
A trainer after 90 days???????????
peppermintjoi Thanks this.
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