First day with CR england

Discussion in 'CR England' started by jls1024, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    What does that say about the A.T.A.?
    What does that say about the members of the A.T.A.?

    Could Big truck truckin' survive without the 'help' of the A.T.A.?
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  3. tm2002

    tm2002 Bobtail Member

    Jul 9, 2008
    tower mn
    that says a lot about A T A and its not good.
  4. hrtbr8kr

    hrtbr8kr Medium Load Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Yukon, OK
    yeah the expenses killed the net. when i stopped getting miles, i jumped ship before i got that far in the hole which honestly is not hard at all!!! i was in the hole between 700 and 1200 fro three weeks straight.... then i jumped ship before it took me another 4 weeks tpo climb out if i was lucky. it wasnt that i was driving bad or didnt communicate with the dm.... i had a horrible fleet and couldnt get out of it.
  5. hrtbr8kr

    hrtbr8kr Medium Load Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Yukon, OK
    i have been giving the good and the bad of the company.... look up my posts lol. but sometimes the bad outweighs the good and im not gonna sugar coat anything lol
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  6. Trints70

    Trints70 Bobtail Member

    Nov 19, 2011
    My husband is in phase 1 with CRE and is loving his new "way of life". I can not find anything good at all about CRE is it truly that horrible? We have a mortgage and 5 kids and he was laid off for 3 years ago due to the construction industry so he is following his childhood dream and I don't want to crush it for him at all and be supportive, but all I see is bashing of CRE. It's hard enough being home taking care of everything and the kids and now I have this fear that this is a huge mistake.

    Is there a silver lining at all?
  7. maxwelltie

    maxwelltie Medium Load Member

    Mar 13, 2010
    Brookings, OR
    If your husband is happy and you're happy, that's what counts.
    Truckers, by nature, are very negative.
    He's committed at this point. See where it takes you.
    One caveat. And keep in mind, I've never driven for CRE...
    Don't lease from them!
    Under any circumstances, DON'T LEASE.
    If he's there a year from now and wants to, then that's a different story.
    The most blatant stories of abuse on this forum for CRE involve leasing.
    hrtbr8kr Thanks this.
  8. Trints70

    Trints70 Bobtail Member

    Nov 19, 2011
    Thank you Max! Yes he is very happy. It's hard being a trucker wife, but if he's happy it makes it better. He's no spring chicken and has a great work ethic and really wants this to be something he retires from.

    We'll see where the road takes us.

    Thank you again for your input.
  9. bamamac

    bamamac Medium Load Member

    Nov 4, 2010
    Don't know if this will make you feel any better, but when I was driving I was in the teamsters Union at that time,like most in the industry were.We had it all, and usually got what we wanted, and all we ever did was moan and groan. Take it with a grain of salt what is posted here. A good bit of the negative posts are those just spewing off their own failures with the industry, and if you look around some are posting the same things with their new job. But please do take the advise of alot on here about leasing.
  10. Trints70

    Trints70 Bobtail Member

    Nov 19, 2011
    Yes I've heard that the lease is not the way to go, but have heard that working as a company driver has it's downsides as well. We haven't decided whether or not to lease. The good thing is he has a AWESOME trainer that has been with CRE for 4 years and he's even let me look at his books so I could see the real money with the lease. Has he had some bad months YES, but all and all he's doing well for himself. What I love about him is he's not trying to talk my husband into leasing just giving him all the info that he can to make the right choice for us.

    I guess we've been really lucky so far. It hasn't been a easy go of it to say the least, but my hubby is detirmed to make this work and is working his butt off for it.

    Dreams never come easy you have to work for it that is for sure!
  11. hrtbr8kr

    hrtbr8kr Medium Load Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Yukon, OK
    lol hes suppose to show you the books... part of TEACHING your student the business lol. but then again there are stuck ups out there.... i teach all mine everything i possibly can cram in them. knowledge is the key!
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