First day with CR england
Discussion in 'CR England' started by jls1024, Nov 17, 2008.
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WOW No wonder those england drivers make sooooo much money! -
DO NOT get sucked into there leese its olny good for them .
GOOD LUCK take there training with a grain of salt it's not all corect .
IF you can survive one year many doors will open for you
ENGLAND has a 200% turnover one of the highest ? wonder why ? It's not because there such a great company .
The best thing you could do is get back on the bus head for home 'look harder for anouther co. keep us posted advice is free just listen to those that have gone befor you.jls1024 Thanks this. -
hello all again. first of all i might be wrong about the 3 months to be a trainer. sorry about that. so far the report is that CR England really has their training program together. (still in the first week) At least that is his experience so far. He has 3 more days of truck and classroom training and then 30 days with an OTR trainer learning company rules and driving and then 35 days with a trainer learning the leasing program. Looks like they show you both. so anyway looks really good so far. He is doing well and they are providing him with lots of info that will do him lots of good.. he said teh powerpoints and presentations are really detailed and really good. Said it has been so much better than the trucking school he went to a few years back. So that is the story so far.
have a good night all!AfterShock Thanks this. -
Great thanks so much for your reply. YES no lease!!!! hear it loud and clear from everyone and appreciate your kind words.I am in no way saying it is a great company after 5 days i don't think we would have the knowledge we would need to make an analogy like that. I am sure there are issues there and some companies have more issues than others.. This is the one we chose at least for now and hopefully after the first year many doors WILL be open. and YES.. thanks so much for your advice. where would we be with out the help of each other in this big world! I love seeing all of your replies and comments. have a great night!
AfterShock Thanks this. -
"The shuttle took them to a rat hole hotel with a strip club in it. made them wait for 2 hours for another bus to take them to cr engalnd for the drug and physical test. Oh by the way if you get caught in the stip club you are gone. "
Geez at least if they are gonna put you in a rathole hotel, the least they could let you do i visit the strip club. Whats so wrong with visiting it if your not drinking alcohollayndretti_13 Thanks this. -
Keep us informed, and good luck!Big Duker Thanks this. -
If y'all aren't interested in the lease program -- at this time -- why are they SO eager to put a trainee through an additional 35 days to learn about something they're NOT interested in?
The answer MIGHT be because if they wait on the lease propaganda, a newBee will learn NOT to fall for it.
There was another poster here who told us all was goin' fine and dandy UNTIL he told 'em NO WAY on their lease program.
Right after that, C.R.E. sent him packin' back to New York.
I/We wish y'all good luck, and are pullin' for y'all's success.
No matter WHERE it may be.
jls1024 Thanks this.
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