First day with CR england

Discussion in 'CR England' started by jls1024, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. hrtbr8kr

    hrtbr8kr Medium Load Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Yukon, OK
    thats screwed up because you cant even get a 34 out of the deal! id raise hell.
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  3. Dewey120

    Dewey120 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Southern California
    I know its because of the Christmas holiday and they are busy but they still need to honor my hometime. When a DM takes a vacation they don't deal with work at all. I get tired of always arguing with my DM about the little things.

    For you newbees they will tell you during the lease presentation that you can be your own boss and have freedom. All you are is a glorified company driver with all the financial responsibilities. Here I am an O/O and I have to play these games with my DM. If I don't do her these favors I know I will be punished later with bad freight.
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2011
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  4. MysticHZ

    MysticHZ Road Train Member

    May 28, 2010
    Tell your DM to take flying f*** ... and if she tries to screw you on freight, talk to to her supervisor and ask him where he wants you to turn the tractor in at ...

    You have to play hardball with CRE. It's the only language they understand. If not they'll keep doing what they're doing to you now.
  5. hrtbr8kr

    hrtbr8kr Medium Load Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Yukon, OK
    hes an o/o...cant turn it in lol
  6. RickG

    RickG Road Train Member

    Jul 22, 2008
    Owensboro , KY
    Don't be impressed by the trainer's books . He's given preferred treatment to have impressive figures to show potential lease victims .
    There have been many negative posts by solo lease operators .
    Just for starters CRE pays lease operators HHG miles . That pays far less than practical miles . If your husband doesn't understand that he really needs to stay away from he lease .
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  7. Dewey120

    Dewey120 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2010
    Southern California
    That's what I had to do to get home for Christmas but that gets old quick. It's basically forced dispatch even though CRE claims L/O & O/O don't have to put up with that.

    I know a guy in the dedicated green line fleet who is taking a 2 week payed vacation. If I tried to take 2 weeks off my DM would have a fit.
    AfterShock Thanks this.
  8. AfterShock

    AfterShock Road Train Member

    Sep 19, 2007
    Inland Empire, California
    You just typed, "I can not find anything good at all about CRE", --- and now you ask, "is it truly that horrible"?
    No, it's not that horrible.
    It's worse.
    CRE is noted for relieving mortgage worries. A few negative paychecks and the house will be foreclosed due to late payment penalties and non-payment. You'll be miles ahead if you start planning for that day now. As the spouse who keeps the home fires burning, which IMO is harder than driving a Big truck, it's you who will be faced with decisions in your husband's absence, --- and trust me, he'll be absent a lot while with CRE.

    What, exactly, constitutes "bashing"?
    Is that now the new buzz word for telling the truth?
    A word of advice, --- Don't shoot the messenger
    and ignore the message.
    There's good reason to be fearful Trints, and I'm thinkin' you're already aware of that. C.R.E. is not famous for granting home time, --- even for those who are "their own boss". C.R.E. is famous for punishing drivers who refuse loads and/or request home time by skimping them on miles (take home pay) so they can't afford to take any time off. Run, run, run and run some more. The Sons-0-Chester have bills to pay too, --- and your husband is one of many who provide the necessary income for that purpose.

    Not that I'm aware of, and I keep asking those who drive for C.R.E. where it might be.
    So far, no one has been able to identify it.
    MAYbe your husband will discover it?
    Do y'all believe in miracles?

    When it comes to "downsides", C.R.E. is over gross.
    What would it take to sway your decision, one way or the other? Sage advice doesn't seem to be enough to convince you.
    Ask your husband if his "AWESOME" trainer is awake at all times, or does the trainer sleep while hubby drives. Then explain how an "AWESOME" trainer manages to train while asleep.

    The truth is, leased drivers provide an extra log book necessary to keep the wheels turnin' so the awesome trainer can make the awesome payments, and other deductions, enabling him to keep on truckin'.
    Trainers aren't just Big truck truck drivers, --- they're also recruiters. As such, C.R.E. provides them with the tools necessary to convince those with absolutely no Big truck truckin' experience that C.R.E. is the way to go. From the number of starry-eyed wannaBees who take the bait, it appears C.R.E. could sell porn to a nun.
    "Doing well for himself"?
    For all we know your husband's trainer married into money and they can't stand each other so time at home isn't an issue. He's a glorified salesman selling heartaches.
    It's called soft-sell, and it works.
    If that trainer was truly interested in your best interest he'd tell your hubby about the disproportionate number of failures that C.R.E. kicks to the curb and saddles them with debts that will take years to get ahead of. Many have lost everything, including their house trying to make it at C.R.E. No big loss for C.R.E. though. There are plenty more wannaBees waiting for their turn to replace those who go down in flames. None of them want to believe the truth either.

    Have your husband inform C.R.E. that he is in no way interested in their lease program, PERIOD. See if his luck holds out.
    Keep in mind that what hubby is going through now
    is the easy part. I hope he has plenty of butt to work off.

    That may be true.
    But it's also true that, sometimes, dreams turn into nightmares.

    You can choose to believe an "AWESOME" trainer or the huge number of those who have been there, done that, and have nothing but debt to show for it. Not to mention that C.R.E. is well known for dinging a driver's DAC record, which will pretty much assure that other Big truck truckin' companies will not be interested in hiring them.
    Can you convince yourself that the feeling you're getting is just a case of jitters, and all is really going swell?
    How often is your gut feeling wrong?

    My hope is that in a year or two you come here and tell me I/we were all wrong and that your husband is doing fantastic. I've been waiting for that to happen for about six years. I would be ecstatic if you were the first. Success stories make my day.

    Are you familiar with those large birds that stick their head in the sand when they're frightened?
    Ignore the truth and maybe it'll change to fit your preferred version?
    We here at TTR have read numerous posts similar to yours from those who thought they'd make it at C.R.E. with a good attitude, only to discover it makes no difference. Why do you think your husband will be any different?
    Imagine your worst fears are true.
    How does that make you feel?
    Keeping in mind that reality can be worse than the imagination.

    I sincerely hope your husband does well and I wish for him, as well as your family, the best of success.
    Please keep us informed. :biggrin_25519:
    tm2002, hrtbr8kr and Dewey120 Thank this.
  9. hrtbr8kr

    hrtbr8kr Medium Load Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Yukon, OK
    that sums it up and its all reu. been there done that.....
  10. Kevin83165

    Kevin83165 Light Load Member

    Nov 24, 2011
    Herrin Illinois

    There are in fact a bunch of us here in this forum that drive for CRE, and a lot of us are happy. We don't really post much because there's a very bad witch hunt on in this forum for CRE drivers. Just like the JB Hunt and Schneider bashings of the 1990's if not worse.

    Unless you post that you and your spouse are miserable your not going to fit in here,,,,, no matter what you say. Good attitude or not. Successful or not. This is a good forum for everything else, thats the reason I stay here. But keep quiet if you are with CRE or you will never be accepted.

    I went through the CRE training program and it was great for me, I got my CDL for $995. I did avoid the lease program,,,,, sadly that is a losing proposition for just about any company. I got my lucky break because my phase 1 trainer was an owner operator. He was well impressed and hired me on directly. He is a small fleet owner under CRE, I don't work for the company anymore.If your husband can bear with it as a company driver and wants to stay trucking, talk to Horizen about buying a truck (not leasing). When your an O/O, CRE is actually one of the best companies to pull for.

    If you want to know anything about CRE just send me a PM, don't post here or you'll end up crucified upside down :biggrin_2559:.

    Ill let you know the real truth good or bad as I have experienced it. A few bad things but my experience has been better than what many will lead you to believe.
    Trints70 Thanks this.
  11. hrtbr8kr

    hrtbr8kr Medium Load Member

    Nov 25, 2011
    Yukon, OK
    again, i have given the good AND the bad. im not going to sugar coat anything. ive been with them when they were a pretty decent comapny and ive been with them when they have turned out pretty nasty..... its whos running it...
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