Flatbed/Open Deck/Machinery Haulers

Discussion in 'Trucking Jobs' started by cpape, Aug 31, 2010.

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  1. kajidono

    kajidono Road Train Member

    Jun 1, 2009
    Heheh, I know that feeling. Mine tends to come in with less scratches. I get bored.
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  3. Meltom

    Meltom Road Train Member

    Jan 24, 2011
    Hey Cpape, turns out we hired one of your former (way former) drivers to work in the office over at HML.
  4. cpape

    cpape Desk Jockey

    Jul 15, 2010
    Dubuque, IA
    you'll have to let me know who that is some time
  5. passingthru69

    passingthru69 Road Train Member

    Hope you had a good Christmas
  6. cpape

    cpape Desk Jockey

    Jul 15, 2010
    Dubuque, IA
    I am enjoying myself in Texas. Visiting my wife's parents. I have golfed every day, and going again tomorrow. Heading back on Monday. JP has been holding down the fort, and seems like he has everything under control.

    Sounds like you are having lots of fun. I hope things better at the new place. I have a three axle trailer you could come and pull, but I don't know enough about what our work load will be like for heavy haul. The old man bought it at a good enough price that if the HH work isn't there or isn't paying, we will leave the flip at home and run it as a normal RGN...or else just sell the thing.

    Anyway, I am optimistic heading into 2014, but I usually am. Hopefully, things will be better. We should learn a lot over the next couple months. Hope 2014 is a great year for you.
    Meltom Thanks this.
  7. passingthru69

    passingthru69 Road Train Member

    Well I'm happy to read you got a holiday in.
    As for the new place,time will tell. I will keep your comment in mind.
    After their trl. breaking at the del. point and all the higher ups on holiday, trying to get another trl. is kinda slim picking.. You bought an XL correct?
    Well that's the brand that broke on me. Have your people look at the rear of the frame just before what I call the riser section. Just before the lead axle. That's where this one snapped.
    Thank goodness no one got hurt and the ld. not damaged. Never have been a big fan of that brand of trail. I like their extend track deal though.
    I think my holiday time went out the door though..
  8. Turner8907

    Turner8907 Bobtail Member

    Feb 4, 2012
    Schuyler County,IL
  9. cpape

    cpape Desk Jockey

    Jul 15, 2010
    Dubuque, IA
    Are you asking if we hire drivers from Illinois? Yes. You live a bit off the beaten path so you would probably have to contractor, not a company driver. Any other questions?
  10. prisonerofthehighway

    prisonerofthehighway Light Load Member

    Dec 28, 2012
    Cedar Rapids, Ia
    May seem like a stupid question but what about Cedar Rapids, IA ? Would like an opportunity to talk to ya sometime and see if we can get something worked out. Currently am driving but looking for better equipment. Pulling rgn and pretty much haul nothing but combines, bailers, sprayers, and wagons as i am pulling a specialty rgn . anyways, please send me a note with a phone number and we can go from there, oh btw 21 years otr experience , perfect mvr and good psp report ( i guess don't know how to pull one ) . TY
  11. passingthru69

    passingthru69 Road Train Member

    Heck, your allmost in their back yard. Take a drive over someday and talk with them..
    Call it a mini road trip... Just remember to drink the beer after the talk, not before. Haha
    Meltom Thanks this.
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