Flatbed with no rub rail question

Discussion in 'Flatbed Trucking Forum' started by hazzmatt89, Dec 13, 2024.

  1. Ok big boy

    Ok big boy Light Load Member

    Jan 22, 2014
    So how has the Wilson worked out? I do not use stake pockets. I do not use pipe stakes or chain through them. I have been looking at a Wilson with the TJ rail. The sales guy said I could order chain ties in the floor and rope hooks underneath.
    cke Thanks this.
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  3. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    I never got one. I had a connection for hauling veneer from WI out to OR at the time but couldn’t get a deal worked out to get back to the Midwest and didn’t want to rely on load boards. All the particle board from the northwest stopped going to Eau Claire when Menards bought their own plant in Rapid City SD.

    At the time Wilson would build me a trailer that was very similar to how a Western was set up. I wanted fixed winches, rope hooks, etc.
    cke, D.Tibbitt, Truckermania and 2 others Thank this.
  4. Truckermania

    Truckermania Road Train Member

    Oct 13, 2011
    Interesting, small world. This is the plant I have hauled out of the past 4 years. It is called Dakota Panel. Besides being a particle board manufacturer, it also serves as a small Menards DC that ships freight out to the Menards stores in Rapid City, Gillette, Casper, Scottsbluff, and Cheyenne. This is primarily what I do, hauling doubles in a power only capacity. I also occasionally haul their particle board to various Menards DC's, primarily Mcenzie, ND and Valley, NE.
  5. Long FLD

    Long FLD Road Train Member

    Mar 4, 2015
    Before they bought that plant almost all the particle board used to come out of Roseburg Forest Products in Missoula MT. There was a lot of guys that would haul veneer out of WI to OR, then get a short load back to the Spokane area, then load in Missoula back to Eau Claire. Then the plant in Rapid City came up for sale and that was the end of it.
    cke, Truckermania, beastr123 and 2 others Thank this.
  6. Truckermania

    Truckermania Road Train Member

    Oct 13, 2011
    Thanks! Nice to learn some history of where I am working.
    Ok big boy and cke Thank this.
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