I am thinking about the Denver Sygma hub... Any comments ? Union ? Routes ? Hours ? Thanks !
Food Service Distribution (SYGMA)
Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by Nomad99, Jun 14, 2006.
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Anyone have information on Sygma Arlington, Tx . I am currently a night driver at Ben E Keith Foods and need more info about Sygmas pay scale be for I consider transferring.
I was with Sygma for a long time. Almost 6 years. They were my first driving job out of CDL training. Other than the hard work, sleepless nights and sometimes having to walk #### near 50 yards to the store with a hand cart that is loaded with over 300lbs of product, it was a good paying job. It especially paid better if you didn't care about hometime or your healthy. If you sacrificed sleep and immediately put yourself in the sleeper when your DOT hours were up (this doesn't mean YOU were done working though), upon return you could almost guarantee you could get another route upon arrival that left 2-4 hrs later. You would receive an extra 100-150 dollars, plus whatever the particular route paid. But, what that meant was you were probably going on that route EXHAUSTED beyond all belief. Imagine unloading 40 thousand pounds with a partner (that may ####### SUCK), staying up ALL NIGHT because no one works legal there and the management knows it, then having to drive 6 hours home. Then, likely having to go back out if you were the guy in the sleeper.
No one works legal there and the staff knows it. The team routes aren't even set up to run legal. How the hell can ONE person, in 1 hour, unload a 300 piece Roadhouse then drive 30 minutes to the next stop? What that means is you have 1 hour to unload and get to the next stop that is 30-40 miles away. 1 HOUR. Have fun trying to put in a route change.
You like hard work? Deliver to a hospital dock then have to push a dolly up 5 floors JUST TO GET TO THE STORE. Repeat that 40 times. Back and fourth. Back and fourth. Back and fourth. Then do that the entire night if you are on a hospital route. And since those hospital routes don't get a lot of weight, you really aren't earning that much even though you're doing harder work than someone unloading 40 thousand pounds that gets to drop their ramp directly at the store's door.
Money was good. If you didn't care about yourself nor safety, by running extra routes you could easily bring home 2-2,400 dollars biweekly after taxes. Sounds great but it isn't worth the sweat that will drench your clothes when youre done. A regular route doesn't pay bad if you get a good one. Bringing home 1,500 bi weekly after taxes and insurance deduction isn't bad. You can make a good living there if you can put up with all the ######## and terrible ####### loads. HAVE YOU SEEN THEIR TRAILERS?
Someone needs fired from the warehouse. Trailers shouldn't be loaded with that much "NO ##### WERE GIVEN" attitude when your business is about delivering products to a store ACCURATELY. You want to reduce shrink? Get someone in the warehouse that can actually take the blind folds off the pickers and loaders. There should be no reason why your stop 30 piece is on a stop 6 pallet. #### trying to get it. Dig through 3 pallets? Nah. Ain't worth the time is the attitude you'll develop. When you find it just damage it and bring it back because either way you are going to be hit with it even though you realistically couldn't get to it at the appropriate stop. They will sometimes say "how come you didn't take it back?" You just say "how come the ####### in the warehouse didn't put it on the right pallet?" You want me to travel back 1 hour to a store to drop off this $14 dollar item? That's 1 hour closer I could be to home and to be sleeping. How about you take these route notes that no one reads and show them to the warehouse manager so he can read it and think "wow, that load seemed to be terrible by what the driver wrote. I guess I better fix it....NAHHHHHH. #### it. We have to keep rate!"pathfinder1361 and Jaycee2 Thank this. -
Everything trucker23 said is correct. I did that at sygma charlotte for 1 year then transferred to sysco. More money there
Hey there... my man has been "pre-qualified" with Sygma here in KC. I am hoping that he will get this local job since he has been OTR. ANy advice, hints, tips for a newbie to Sygma?
Thank you!! -
Sygma in kc was a joke when I worked there in 07 very poorly managed and it's. A regional gone two days and 4 nights a week until U can get up high on the board for a local route pay was ok but u earn it if he has any experience tell him to get his hazmat and come haul gas my company and several others r hiring and will train to haul gas as long as he has experience driving right here in kc home every day and make 60-70 thousand a year
Crazyhorse: What company do you work for?
Star transport we are giring right now will train as long as he has experience send me a message and ill give u bosses number
I meant experience driving
I'm just got hired at Sygma Charlotte, I previously worked at Pepsi, then Miller, I figured if I could do a beer route this shouldn't be much harder, if it is I'll be compensated a lot better, beer delivery kicked my butt everyday the only good thing is it took the weight off of me lol, wish me luck
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