Former May Drivers Lounge...

Discussion in 'May Trucking' started by Scooter Jones, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. NogoJoe

    NogoJoe Light Load Member

    Oct 31, 2011
    Back at my old job. alot better pay , I work 5 days a week, I'm home every night . I left on good terms so if i need a job i can get one . hopefully i will NEVER have to go back!!!
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  3. Scooter Jones

    Scooter Jones Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    When the economy recovers, especially the housing and construction market, there is going to be a massive exodus of drivers who have come into this industry and have stayed for a few years at least.
    Rogerthat Thanks this.
  4. Rogerthat

    Rogerthat Medium Load Member

    Jul 18, 2012
    Sac, CA
    I'm one of those guys, Scooter, and I've met a number of May drivers that were plumbers, drywallers etc but frankly, at my age, I don't see myself going back to a trade where I spend 25% of my time on my knees. ;-)
  5. Rogerthat

    Rogerthat Medium Load Member

    Jul 18, 2012
    Sac, CA
    If we were subcontractors in the legal sense, I would have no problem investing $ here and there in whatever tools and supplies i needed for the truck. But we're not. I recently spent $5 on an oil spout. Big deal, right? But not being reimbursed for tools that "we may choose to buy" ( their words) ? Do I have a choice NOT to put oil in the engine?
  6. Bigray

    Bigray Road Train Member

    Nov 23, 2007
    Tampa, Florida
    Just found this thread, thought I would drop in and say Hi Ya'll.
    Rogerthat and Scooter Jones Thank this.
  7. Blue02celi

    Blue02celi Road Train Member

    Aug 3, 2007
    Melbourne, FL
    once I bought jumper cables, I was at a truck stop, in WY i think, or Idaho... somewhere up there. anyway, breakdown told me is there another may driver, I said yeah, my truck was dead they said get him to jump you, neither of us had cables, so I told them can I buy some and get reimbursed for them, they said yes. so I went, bought the cables and got the truck going. I then sent another message saying hey I didn't get the PO for the jumper cables, I was THEN told, oh, thats a driver expense, we dont reimburse for cables. so I sent a reply saying ok no problem, when I get to denver these are going in my car, next time you'll have to send someone to jump me... taking a guess that they're gonna charge you more than $20 to do it too
    Rogerthat Thanks this.
  8. Jimmy Hoffa

    Jimmy Hoffa Medium Load Member

    Dec 30, 2011
    Gold Country, California
    Yeah, I still got my C-39 and my B license. Things are starting to cook again in the Sacramento area, really tempted to go back to what I know and do best, (it ain't trucking). I shut my company down in January 2010, got audited by the I.R.S. I survived (they only audited 1 year), but I had to hire a tax lawyer to represent me. With the economy in the tank and diminishing returns, 10 year warrantees, permit process, ect, I said hell with it, I was burned out.
    But even in my last crappy year I made a little over 60 large. Guess I got spoiled.
  9. Rogerthat

    Rogerthat Medium Load Member

    Jul 18, 2012
    Sac, CA
    Jimmy Hoffa? And here i thought they had buried you in one of your concrete foundations...
  10. Jimmy Hoffa

    Jimmy Hoffa Medium Load Member

    Dec 30, 2011
    Gold Country, California
    Nah, just laying low from Anthony Giacolone.
    Rogerthat Thanks this.
  11. Scooter Jones

    Scooter Jones Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    Ahhh, C-39 license. That was the first contractor license I ever got, way in 1982
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