Former May Drivers Lounge...

Discussion in 'May Trucking' started by Scooter Jones, Feb 5, 2013.

  1. justawheelholderfornow

    justawheelholderfornow Medium Load Member

    Oct 12, 2010
    The Bank
    You've obviously never sold cars! lol
    I worked at a Toyota dealer, that maintained ~25 salespeople. In 6 months, I worked with over 60 different people. I told new guys not to even bother to tell me their names until they were there for 90 days. (I didn't have to remember many names lol)
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  3. Scooter Jones

    Scooter Jones Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    Yep, I've never sold cars or chewed tobacco ;-)
  4. Joker85

    Joker85 Road Train Member

    Jul 3, 2010
    Phoenix Az
    Thats funny, considering I just speak the truth about my experiences, and give honest advice. But that's fine. Good luck.
    Scooter Jones and Mac2012 Thank this.
  5. Paloma

    Paloma Medium Load Member

    May 15, 2012
    Portland, Oregon

    If yer out of Brooks, get a hold of Tom Williams, this guy that is training you should be FIRED in my opinion. He sounds like a total *ss hole and should NEVER be a trainer. I hate pri*ks like that. He is NOT a trainer but a jerk off looking to get xtra cash. And we can afford idiots like him.

    You are supposed to be driving and ok if he drives a little. And as far as practicing to back up, thats what a REAL trainer is supposed to do with you. I wish I would run into this jerk, I would break both his hands so he coulnt drive anymore.
    Mac2012 Thanks this.
  6. platinum

    platinum Road Train Member

    Aug 18, 2010
    Fort Worth, Texas
    we can tell you sold cars, you're 1 of the biggest bull ######## in this forum next to your buddy tracker Steve
    Paloma Thanks this.
  7. Y2K

    Y2K Road Train Member

    Jul 21, 2009
    Just found this thread,should be inteersting.:biggrin_25523:

    Got my start at May,was only there 4 months but it was a good place to start as far as I'm concerend,one could do a lot worse for sure.
    I'm just shy of 2 1/2 years as a driver now not counting school,life is pretty good in a daycab on dayshift which is where I wanted to be from the get-go.
    Still wear my cool black & gold May hat,gotta hand it to May they have nice hats lol.:biggrin_2559:
  8. Russjac

    Russjac Light Load Member

    Apr 3, 2012
    Las Vegas
    sounds like you got the same trainer I did, I had all the same problems you mentioned with mine
  9. Y2K

    Y2K Road Train Member

    Jul 21, 2009
    Mine was just the oposite,he drove highway and made me do all the hard stuff lol.
    Great guy and really wanted to help me learn,didn 't like when he made me blind side back into a tight parking space at a truckstop but it was all about teaching me stuff I'd need when I got out solo.
    Paloma Thanks this.
  10. Russjac

    Russjac Light Load Member

    Apr 3, 2012
    Las Vegas
    I've met a lot of good people in May who train since I soloed, unfortunately there are the greedy f's doing it too. My biggest issue is that there is no feedback, I was never asked about my training experience, and I was pretty much isolated as I never really talked to anyone except my trainer after I left orientation.
    Last edited: Feb 10, 2013
  11. Scooter Jones

    Scooter Jones Road Train Member

    Apr 19, 2011
    That's surprising because every student on my truck was supposedly asked about their experience on my truck.
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