Frieghtliner Cascada's weight issue

Discussion in 'Trucks [ Eighteen Wheelers ]' started by Wiscentral, Nov 22, 2009.

  1. Wiscentral

    Wiscentral Bobtail Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    Green Bay, WI
    Just recently my company is moving on replacing its fleet from the Frieghtliner Columbia to the new Cascada in a 2-3 year span. Now a concern that has been mentioned about these is thier excessive weight. Heavier front axle, 1000 lbs of insulation around the cab , etc etc etc.

    Some drivers say its a real (#^#%(##^% of a time to scale heavy loads

    Has anyone who drives the Cascada have this issue and how bad is it?
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  3. jtrnr1951

    jtrnr1951 Road Train Member

    Are your trailers heavy?? If you can't scale 44K, you have a problem.......
  4. fetterski2424

    fetterski2424 Bobtail Member

    I have a 09 Cascadia with a carrior APU and a 53ft Great Dane Reefer.. I can scale 44,000 easy..
  5. Big Duker

    Big Duker "Don Cheto"

    Sep 18, 2007
    Weatherford, TX
    1000lbs of insulation? Somebody is jerking your chain. They do have more insulation but not anything like that. If there were any problems like that you wouldn't see so many fleets using them.
  6. S C Rydah

    S C Rydah Light Load Member

    Oct 28, 2009
    I know we're talking about the Cascadia, but r the KW T2000's heavier than other similar trucks too? Never drove one, so im curious?
  7. Elvenhome21

    Elvenhome21 Heavy Load Member

    Nov 17, 2008
    Sheboygan, WI
    unless they are ordering the cascadia with fixed 5th wheels (no slider) I cant see how you would have a problem scaling 45,500. Unless they use air ride trailers. In the century I had the biggest issue was getting enough weight on the steers, but that was only with beer or paper but I could still get 46,600 to scale out
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