From Day One - Abilene Motor Express (Richmond, Wytheville, VA)

Discussion in 'Motor Carrier Questions - The Inside Scoop' started by ScooterDawg, Oct 1, 2012.

  1. wsyrob

    wsyrob Trucker Forum STAFF Staff Member

    Sep 14, 2007
    Winston Salem
    Glad to hear they are running you well. I am in Stockton Ca at the moment hanging out at the hotel. Heading out to Houston on Friday. Should be running from there to NC late next week. Maybe we cross paths.
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  3. avi

    avi Bobtail Member

    Jul 29, 2012
    As excited as I am having just moved from company driver to O/O it pales in comparison to...

    ...seeing fresh and new Scooterdawg posts!


    I can't count the times I've run thru Mt. Airy blindly calling out for "Scooterdawg" on the radio (even added triple digits to the watts) in hopes of hookin' up and pickin' yer brain!

    I feel like I just got home and crawled into my Lazy Boy; all is right with the world.

  4. Voyager1968

    Voyager1968 Road Train Member

    Sep 11, 2008
    Tamaqua, PA
    I believe, at least as of last December, they had a dedicated Boar's Head fleet. If it was anything like mine with Calex, if your on it, or filling in for someone, you'll be in Brooklyn every other night.
  5. ScooterDawg

    ScooterDawg <strong>"The Blue Tick Lab"</strong>

    Nov 23, 2008
    Trinity, NC
    Not sure where their hiring radius is, but I would imagine if Kurtis was going to send you a packet, they would be interested in you. Call Rebecca at 276-223-9810 and tell her Mark gave you her number and she will either get you taken care of or point you in the right direction.

    I've been back and forthe to Richmond simply out of dumb luck, but they DO run all 48. Guess I have just been in the right place at the right time
  6. ScooterDawg

    ScooterDawg <strong>"The Blue Tick Lab"</strong>

    Nov 23, 2008
    Trinity, NC
    Man, that would be great. On hometime right now, but headed for Florida on Sunday

    Just look for the big green truck #2104 with a grinnin' driver and a happy blue heeler in the passenger's seat..... we are quite a sight hehhehehehe

    Tickled ARF!
  7. ScooterDawg

    ScooterDawg <strong>"The Blue Tick Lab"</strong>

    Nov 23, 2008
    Trinity, NC
    Heheheehe you are gonna give me a complex hehehehehe

    I thought I heard someone hollerin' my name, but I just figured it was the demons in my head heheheheheh

    Hope to run into you one day.... and you are more than welcome to pick.... just not sure what you might dig up heheheheheheheh
  8. ScooterDawg

    ScooterDawg <strong>"The Blue Tick Lab"</strong>

    Nov 23, 2008
    Trinity, NC
    OK, update time.....

    Right now, I am on hometime in NC. From Tuesday, 10-2 (6:pm) thru yesterday (Thursday) @ 2pm, I ran 4168 miles. That included me shutting down at the Richmond yard at 2pm on Wednesday.

    I was scheduled to have hometime this Saturday and Sunday, but we worked a load out where I could get home Thursday afternoon, leave out Sunday morning, and deliver Monday by noon just outside Tampa. Nice way to start the week. PLUS, I will get to swing by and see my parents on the way, and grab a bite to eat. I have no doubt they will be sitting on a load for me to leave FLA as soon as I get there. No idea where, but its all good.

    Nice to get home and grab the things I forgot, or decided I need. I have all the time in the world to do what I need to, so when I get back on the road, I'll be set. I'm referring it to Volvo version 2.0 hehehehehehe

    When you see me coming, it'll look something like this....


    See ya soon.....
    The Challenger, Strykor and Truckie83 Thank this.
  9. ScooterDawg

    ScooterDawg <strong>"The Blue Tick Lab"</strong>

    Nov 23, 2008
    Trinity, NC
    Yeah, the do a refrigerated dedicated for Boar's Head going up there.
  10. avi

    avi Bobtail Member

    Jul 29, 2012
    ...sorry, one more burden to handle.

    My wife's called me worse.... You are probably still aware of the routes so just keep an eye out for this one..

    [​IMG] far as pickin' is concerned.... I still have some questions but couldn't wait so I took the final plunge.

    Meet ya in the east sometime!
  11. Zen Trucker

    Zen Trucker Road Train Member

    Aug 9, 2012
    Man, that is one fine lookin' truck. You're a lucky man!
    avi Thanks this.
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