From UPS to Mom and Pop Company?

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by SlickNick55, Apr 5, 2024.

  1. SlickNick55

    SlickNick55 Bobtail Member

    Apr 5, 2024
    Hello fellow truckers. I’m 27 years old and currently live in the Midwest and drive for UPS. I have a little over 4 years with the company.

    Awesome company, great benefits, and great pay. It’s an awesome career that I tend to stay at until I retire, however I may have no choice but to leave and search for another option sometime within the coming years.

    My family and I are in talks of relocating down south, possibly Tennessee in the future. UPS has no transfer language in their contract, meaning I’d need to quit and try to get rehired at a hub down in Tennessee, which is a lot harder than it seems.

    Because of this, I always tend to keep my eyes out for other companies and driving opportunities just in case I do need to make the switch. I also went and obtained my hazmat/tanker endorsements as well as already have my doubles/triples. I know the full package at UPS is VERY competitive and more than likely is very hard to beat or match, but I’ve heard great things from people who work at other companies, specifically smaller Mom and Pop companies.

    A lot of people will always say that Mom and Pop companies don’t put out job applications, because they don’t have to. A lot of the time it’s a smaller fleet, with good equipment that’s taken care of and the driver is well respected and taken care of. A lot of people even have said that they’re home every day with some of these jobs and are making the same amount of money if not more than they were at other major companies.

    Now I know this is all he say she say, and I know these companies are probably very hard to find as well as very hard to get into. From what it seems a lot of people find them from word of mouth, and the only way they get in is because someone on the inside really really stuck their neck out for them..

    What is your guys knowledge/experience working for smaller companies? Are they not as good as they’re hyped up to be? Hell, do they even exist?! Curious to hear your guys stories.

    PS: if there’s any such company located down near the Nashville area, feel free to reach out

    Appreciate your time everyone!
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  3. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    Last edited: Apr 5, 2024
    Banker, nextgentrucker and Grouch Thank this.
  4. SlickNick55

    SlickNick55 Bobtail Member

    Apr 5, 2024
    lol well that goes against a lot of the things I’ve heard then, but thanks for the input. All the companies you mentioned are solid options though. I heard FedEx actually pays pretty #### well
  5. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    FedEx drivers that post on here say the pay is excellent.
  6. BennysPennys

    BennysPennys Road Train Member

    Sep 24, 2021
    Stick with UPS even if it means staying in the Mid West. You have almost 5 years into a defined pension plan that will be worth millions and that’s not including what you can easily save on your own on the side that will be a huge amount too.
  7. SlickNick55

    SlickNick55 Bobtail Member

    Apr 5, 2024
    Believe me brother I hear you, but being close to my family is worth more than any job could offer me. At the end of the day they’re all we got.
  8. Eddiec

    Eddiec Road Train Member

    Feb 2, 2015
    I would contact every UPS center in the region you are thinking of relocating to, and see if they will hire you. These days the Mom & Pops tend to be no better than a Mega. And you're not going to find a benefits package better than UPS. You are almost better off commuting from Tennessee to your current terminal, finding a room to rent somewhere then going home on the weekends. Are you a Feeder driver or a Package van driver?
  9. SlickNick55

    SlickNick55 Bobtail Member

    Apr 5, 2024
    Feeder but I’m local
  10. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    You can apply with UPS in Nashville can't you?
    Since UPS just acquired that big mail contract, probably be hiring more drivers.
    nextgentrucker and TX2Day Thank this.
  11. SlickNick55

    SlickNick55 Bobtail Member

    Apr 5, 2024
    I can but would need to wait for an opening first
    nextgentrucker and TX2Day Thank this.
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