Furniture Row Express

Discussion in 'Discuss Your Favorite Trucking Company Here' started by Cybergasm, Sep 3, 2014.

  1. Cybergasm

    Cybergasm Light Load Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    Cape Girardeau MO
    Guess for me Freedom since i am not hanging around this place to see what happens next lol.

    already getting my apps out there. and hopefully will get picked up by another company quickly here.
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  3. bigredokc

    bigredokc Light Load Member

    May 15, 2014
    Guess we will see what's going to happen and then make a decision. This makes me sick!!
  4. EndlessLadder

    EndlessLadder Bobtail Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    Do they seriously think their decent drivers are going to stick around? They are already trying to route drivers to orientation so they can swap equipment. And, the way they did Mississippi and Nebraska was utterly heartless.
  5. bigredokc

    bigredokc Light Load Member

    May 15, 2014
    What did they do?? Fire them??
  6. Balakov100

    Balakov100 Road Train Member

    May 10, 2012
    Temple, TX
    Sux for the drivers for sure.

    Dispatchers/Safety/Planners....can't say I would be sorry for them.
  7. EndlessLadder

    EndlessLadder Bobtail Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    Mississippi and Nebraska have 30 days to relocate or their out of a job. No severance package or anything.
    Balakov100 Thanks this.
  8. bigredokc

    bigredokc Light Load Member

    May 15, 2014
    Wow!! We were off on home time and had no ideal all this happen until last evening!! This absolutely has made us sick!! Their employees deserve better than this!!
  9. EndlessLadder

    EndlessLadder Bobtail Member

    Sep 4, 2014
    And, you can't tell me Operations just found out when everyone else did.
  10. bigredokc

    bigredokc Light Load Member

    May 15, 2014
    No I don't believe that for a minute!! I feel so bad for everyone!!
  11. sesstexas

    sesstexas Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2012
    Longview, TX
    Scott is not coming over with us. Mark is up in the air. Sharla is coming over as an FM out of Denver. The planners have 30 days and then they're out. Linda, Lisa, Carl, and everyone else in Mississippi are out as well. Nobody knew about this in advance. Everyone found out yesterday.

    The plus side is that Celadon is keeping our pay rates. We all get better health insurance, a week of paid vacation as soon as we are in the door, brand new KW T680s that are not dumbed down like most company trucks, and we will continue running the accounts and areas that we are used to. Celadon gets a refer division and they have almost brand new trailers for us. We get more opportunities like becoming trainers, switching to van, etc...

    The downside is that we are no longer working for a small company and may end up dealing with the big company bull in the long run.

    Overall, I think it was coming no matter what. I feel like half or more of our guys are going to walk before they make the switch and personally, I dont blame them. If it sticks to what Ive been told by Mark and the guys from Celadon, I think it will be alright for me anyway. I'm willing to give it a shot. Yeah, I am going to miss my Coronado and the small team here but times are changing. You can change with it or not. Im going to keep on truckin..
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