Galaxy 33 hml

Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by clantonman1983, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. clantonman1983

    clantonman1983 Light Load Member

    Mar 24, 2009
    clanton, al
    got a cobra 25 on the fritz and am wanting something else. the guy i usually go to has a galaxy 33hml at his shop for a pretty good price. he already tested it out and all that good stuff while i was there. it is bigger and has echo. My guy told me that it can go channels below the usual 40? Does that mean it can hear ham channels as well as the regular cb 40?

    He told me that they didn't make them anymore but that it was a really good radio. everybody i have talked to about it says the same thing and that it is like an upgrade from a basic cobra 25.

    I have a palomar 225 as well, the radio is tuned to 1 watt of deadkey so i'm just asking does this sound like a good combination and is this an overall good cb radio?
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  3. Sixx Burning Sky

    Sixx Burning Sky Light Load Member

    Aug 23, 2008
    Galaxy is an export radio, capable of going above and below the 11 meter CB bands. true Galaxy doesn't make them with a single final anymore, but they do make the 33 HP with dual mosfet finals.
  4. clantonman1983

    clantonman1983 Light Load Member

    Mar 24, 2009
    clanton, al
    Thanks for the reply...

    I got the radio yesterday. It works great and I like the way it looks better in my truck. I went ahead and got a taller antenna as well and my SWR improved a lot! The only negative is the talkback isn't very loud, but it isn't a big deal. I would like for it to be a little louder so i can hear the echo a little better but it's cool.

    I haven't listened to the other channels yet but I will probably check them out a little later. it works great with my Palomar, so I can't complain.
  5. Sixx Burning Sky

    Sixx Burning Sky Light Load Member

    Aug 23, 2008
    Good deal, sounds like you have your Galaxy/Palomar set up all figured out.
  6. clantonman1983

    clantonman1983 Light Load Member

    Mar 24, 2009
    clanton, al
    Oh yeah. I think i spent four hours just sitting on the radio talking to people. This thing is real clear on my end and it seems like I don't pick up as much interference. the people i am talking too says it is a lot clearer as well.
  7. Gadfly

    Gadfly Medium Load Member

    Aug 18, 2006
    Before you are tempted to talk on "those channels" I would urge you to check out In the lower left corner, scroll down to "Amateur Radio Enforcement". Here you will see about 8-10 CB operators who were sent warning letters for either interfering with 10 Meters OR actually operating in the 10 Meter band in recent months. This is due to complaints received by FCC from the rightful users of these frequencies. Sir, THERE ARE NO 'EXTRA' CHANNELS permitted to the CB band, nor is there a "freeband" contrary to CB myth and legend. With $10,000+ fines possible for operating outside the legal 40, it certainly wouldn't be worth it to you OR your company to be talking there. Listening is fine! The rightful licensees of those frequencies WILL track illegal CB operators for coming up into the ham bands and turn them in to their supporters at FCC!

  8. clantonman1983

    clantonman1983 Light Load Member

    Mar 24, 2009
    clanton, al
    Ok... I really don't know how else to explain this to you. I DO NOT CARE ABOUT HAM CHANNELS!! To me, it is nothing more than a bunch of whiny babies crying :biggrin_2553: about somebody who didn't take a stupid test to talk on a radio, which in my opinion is moronic. If you have taken the test, then great... good for you. I haven't because I don't care :biggrin_25512:. I know at least five people who have taken it that all say that it was the easiest thing they have ever done and they laugh about it :yes2557:, so sorry if I don't take it to seriously.

    so... SIR, I'm going to continue to use my ILLEGAL and MODIFIED radio with my ILLEGAL two pill box and broadcast on the airwaves.

    and don't worry wittle baby... I won't talk on your wittle hammy channels.
  9. geartow

    geartow Bobtail Member

    Jun 29, 2009
    syracxuse ny
    any one have a pic of the galaxy 33 hml
  10. FriedTater

    FriedTater Keeper of The Snakes

    Mar 25, 2009
    United State of Texas
    One word "GOOGLE" :biggrin_25525:
    Plenty of 411 . . . . .
  11. Carolina Thunder

    Carolina Thunder Medium Load Member

    Jan 28, 2007
    Coeburn V.A.
    You wont hear any true hams on the bands that a Galaxy 33 will receive unless they are from another country and even that's a big maybe. 28.300 to 29.900 USB (i think that's correct ) are 10 meter hams frequencies but because you don't have SSB on that radio you will not be able to understand them if you try to listen. But if you are causing interference on those channels then some hams will ride around until they find and then report you to the FCC and your company!

    If you want to talk on the lower channels then do so but you should stay away from the "upper channels" (anything above 27.405 which is ch 40 ) as they are closer to the 10 meter ham band. Although lots of people use the upper channels you would stand a better chance getting busted by a ham on those than you would on the lower band. The lower channels are not really used by hams but they are kinda of like spare channels for some government agencies as well as the military but it's very very rare to here anyone on those band but truckers and cb'ers. They are used by other countries but unless you have some very good skip conditions you will never hear them or bother them.

    Now understand. As long as your not acting like an ### and causing interference to other people then the FCC will not mess with you on the lower channels. Regardless of what some hams tell you the FCC is not hanging out at T stops and weigh stations looking to bust you for talking on those "other channels"As a matter of fact the enforcement side of the FCC as been very very slack in the past few years ( they are a little low on money ) so it is rare to see anyone get busted unless they have been causing interference to hams or business locations and then it's open season on the cb'er!

    The way hams think has always made me scratch my head. They get mad as hell if a trucker has or uses an export radio or amplifier but they don't have any problems at all with the guys on the Super bowl ( ch 6 ) running amps that produce over one hundred thousand watts and bleed on any and every channel! What it all boils down to is that hams hate truckers. I mean,what other reason could there be?

    True,the law is the law but it applies to everyone and not just truckers!
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