Galaxy 33 hml

Discussion in 'CB Radio Forum' started by clantonman1983, Jun 8, 2009.

  1. clantonman1983

    clantonman1983 Light Load Member

    Mar 24, 2009
    clanton, al
    Unless your like me... There are a few on this board that can just keep :biggrin_2553: because I don't care about the laws. hahahaha.

    Bring on another legal lesson about ham radio...:biggrin_25518:
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  3. FriedTater

    FriedTater Keeper of The Snakes

    Mar 25, 2009
    United State of Texas
    Not entirely true CT,I have many Ham Bones I chat with both on their channels as well as mine.

    Just because they are ticket holders doesn't prevent them from strolling around the bands when the mood strikes.

    It isn't limited to any particular State or Country,both parties agitate as well as have civil conversations.

    Some of these guys I have talked to for well over 20 years,on personal mobile as well as base units.
    If it were really that important to carry a ticket these days I would,but that hasn't been the case for many years so I let it lapse many years ago.

    The main point I guess is the redundant FCC banter on Frequency Legalities and Who is and Who isn't.

    My radios talk when and where they want to,its my choice that dictates how I carry myself at any given time on any given frequency.
    As a US born Citizen I Reserve the right to keep and bare arms,whether its low watts are excessive. This will never change. FCC BE ###### !


  4. Carolina Thunder

    Carolina Thunder Medium Load Member

    Jan 28, 2007
    Coeburn V.A.
    I Agree. The only reason i even said anything on the subject was because Gadfly had already brought it up. I my self think the FCC/ham war on CB radio is ridiculous. You know that anytime someone says something about export radios or amplifiers on just about any trucker forum on the net,there is always one or two hams ready to get out the ropes! When the fact is that a great many of those self righteous hams started out on the CB radio and used those big radios with all the channels but now that their a ticket holder they think that CB and anyone that uses one is beneath them. Hang out at a few ham fests and you will hear what I'm talking about!

    It's not all hams but it's a helluva lot more than just a few. Just last night i heard 4 or 5 of them on 80m talking and cursing about truckers,radio checks,big radios and CBer's in general.

    I was just trying to let clantonman1983 in on a little info to set his mind at ease just in case he wanted to talk on the other channels,he seemed a little new to the Export radio thing by the above post. I just wanted him to know not to buy into the "FCC gonna get you crap" that you hear from a great many hams.

    Sorry if my post was taken the wrong way.
    FriedTater Thanks this.
  5. clantonman1983

    clantonman1983 Light Load Member

    Mar 24, 2009
    clanton, al
    No problem, I understood what you are saying. I had to get rid of my Galaxy 33 because it got off frequency bad for some reason, I ended up just getting a Galaxy 44 (which I like better anyway).

    When I first got it, I played around on some of the other channels, I don't remember if it was the upper or the lower channels, but I remember talking on one of them to somebody that I knew and I could hear somebody come on their but couldn't make out what they were saying. haha.
  6. FriedTater

    FriedTater Keeper of The Snakes

    Mar 25, 2009
    United State of Texas
    Galaxy comes outta the box a POS and remain such after tuning. Some lik'em and others know better.
    Now that RCI has the whole gig tied up they are much better then years past. Nothing to get me to jump ship and purchase another in my life time.
    Galaxy radios are for freight haulers :biggrin_25523::biggrin_25523:
    and ............

    Its all good CT :biggrin_25525:

  7. Carolina Thunder

    Carolina Thunder Medium Load Member

    Jan 28, 2007
    Coeburn V.A.
    Now don't be so hard on the ole Galaxy radio. I have more radios sitting around this room than i can shake a stick at. Old ( Philippine )Cobra 148's,Uniden Grants, RCI 2950/2970/2995, Galaxy 73/77/88/99/48T/95T's and a few Connex radios ( One of these days the ole lady is going to kick me out for my addiction!) not even counting the base radios and amplifiers. While it's true that the Galaxy radios are built to be the big bad radio for truckers and thats it, if you set one up correctly they are not that bad.

    I have 2 Galaxy 95T's and after spending a few hours setting them up they work almost as good as my new RCI-2950DX and 2970DX on SSB,almost. They still have that slight drift on SSB but after everything is said and done,the power and receive are very close to each other and the quality of audio is close enough that most people cant tell the difference between the RCI and Galaxy on SSB which is where i use them. And yeah they work great on AM to but thats not really my thing. The only Galaxy i would not own is a 98VHP. Those things really are junk!
  8. clantonman1983

    clantonman1983 Light Load Member

    Mar 24, 2009
    clanton, al
    Well, just to clarify, it was a older radio but I have to disagree. Galaxies are not POS's. I get compliments all the time of people asking what kind of radio I am running because it's so #### loud. To be honest, I've been unhappy with every Cobra that I have had. I don't really like 'em, even though I know a lot of people stand by the 29's. I wouldn't go back to a Cobra after having my Galaxy.
  9. FriedTater

    FriedTater Keeper of The Snakes

    Mar 25, 2009
    United State of Texas
    Thru the years Ive stacked Galaxy radios like cord wood
    myself.I told myself I would never buy a 66 when they come out :biggrin_25517: I bought a 66. Same with the 88/99's
    all failed with in a short amount of time.
    Granted the RCI venture has corrected many of the chronic issues but the bad taste still remains.

    Never once had an issue with a Cobra,Uniden,Connex or Ranger.
    My all time favorite was a 2970,that thing talked more ##### the Richard Pryor,:biggrin_25525: Some day I'll latch on to another.

    Top Honors still go to Cobra,bullet proof and as faithful as a hound dog.

  10. killroy

    killroy Light Load Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Kenner, La.
    Hmm I smell ham burning. Gadfly from your post I assume you have your ticket. Well so do I. And the channels that, that Galaxy can get to. We are not on, are we? So give it a rest, jeez no wounder the regular CBers hate us. Now to get back to the original topic now that DX is picking up some of the more popular channels for skip are 28 am and ( Gadfly will hate this. ) 26.915 it is channel 36 and it should be C or D band on your galaxy.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2009
  11. killroy

    killroy Light Load Member

    Mar 30, 2008
    Kenner, La.
    Up untill you said that, I thought you knew what you were talking about.
    I have to disagree. But that's C.B. lol
    I have been using a 98VHP to drive a 8 pill for two years and have not had problem one. I have heard it and IMO sounds just as good as my old 148 or my Connex 3300hp. And on SSB it does not fade at all.
    But I will admit I hate the 5 digit Freq. counter. Who ever made that decision should be shot.
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