Gaming for truckers

Discussion in 'Trucking Electronics, Gadgets and Software Forum' started by TROOPER to TRUCKER, Aug 23, 2016.

  1. SidewaysBentHalo

    SidewaysBentHalo Medium Load Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    PS4 mainly here. Mostly Shooter, Looter, RPG stuff is what I dabble in. Have owned a Xbox 360 for exclusives back when. Splinter cell/ Fable, cant remember what else.

    Love me some old school games however got rid of my Wii U a few years back. I'm hoping Nintendo doesn't screw the next Zelda up. It looked promising in the demo's displayed at E3.

    Have played American Truck Simulator just for #### and giggles before I hopped into my CC training for Class A.

    I may get into it more but I'm in a cold streak for gaming and just been doing other stuff. (cough *this addictive forum* cough)
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  3. Gunner75

    Gunner75 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2014
    Jackson Center Ohio
    I'm into shooters. Right now rainbow 6 siege, the division, and black ops 3. When I'm tired if getting beat to hell, I'll throw in some forza 5, or just sit back and play some final fantasy.

    Add me on xbox live xGunner75x
  4. Friday

    Friday Road Train Member

    Apr 7, 2016
    Charlottesville, Va
    The division is awesome. But I can't ever get good enough wifi anywhere to play it without lag. Only at home.
  5. Gunner75

    Gunner75 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2014
    Jackson Center Ohio
    The only thing i have is my verizon hotspot. I do my updates when im at he house every two weeks. If a game needs an update, i dont bother playing
  6. SidewaysBentHalo

    SidewaysBentHalo Medium Load Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    Hopefully they get the meta and balance of this game figured out. I was heavy into this at launch. Played up until this last update came out. One day I'll get back into it. Once they iron out all the bugs.
  7. AModelCat

    AModelCat Road Train Member

    Jul 7, 2015
    Another very good Rareware game was Blast Corps. Used to rent that one all the time back in the day. Conker's Bad Fur Day was another classic N64 game.
  8. SidewaysBentHalo

    SidewaysBentHalo Medium Load Member

    Jun 19, 2016
    I enjoyed Witcher 3, Bio Shock series, Borderlands 1 was my fav, other ones weren't bad but just different. Uncharted series is nice. Always enjoyed a good Fallout game.

    If anyone is into anything challenging Demon/Dark souls series is great.

    Have played the usual suspects and Battlefield > COD any day of the week.
  9. A_C_Cooper

    A_C_Cooper Light Load Member

    Jan 21, 2012
    Gilbert, SC
    On my Xbox One lately its been Battlefield 4, Grand Theft Auto Online, and Rocket League. On PC I've been playing Farming Simulator 15. I'm pretty much addicted to this one, especially with all the mos I can add to mix it up. Otherwise I've been more into RPG and action/adventure games. I'm young so games are pretty much my pastime especially when I can play online with my cousins and friends.
  10. Gunner75

    Gunner75 Road Train Member

    Mar 17, 2014
    Jackson Center Ohio
    Back when the 360 was released, square enix released final fantasy 11 online. That was my drug from 2006 to 2013. I logged over 2000 hours in that game. I freaking loved it. Wish the new one (ff14) was as good
  11. HotH2o

    HotH2o Road Train Member

    Sep 23, 2012
    Bunyan Springs, Colorado
    I have a PS3 at the house. My kid mostly plays it. He has minecraft, skylanders and various Lego games. When he's at the in laws I play GTA 5. Can't play it when he's around as it's much too violent.
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