Genox lease purchase

Discussion in 'Lease Purchase Trucking Forum' started by FreezingHot32, Nov 30, 2024.

  1. Lightfoot71

    Lightfoot71 Light Load Member

    Oct 28, 2018
    Lower 48
    Ok, its a mixed bag honestly....genox will hire you even when its slow and they have no work, how much cryo experience you got? It was not good for mfe, but some ppl do ok there, if you have done cryo, depending on where you at and who its for you may do well. but in general, they suck.
    KDHCryo and FreezingHot32 Thank this.
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  3. KDHCryo

    KDHCryo Medium Load Member

    Sep 14, 2023
    GenOx and LGT and USCryo and Southern Pines, and to some extent KAG Merchant Gas, all have one thing in common. Airgas, Linde, Messer, etc own the plants that make your product, and they all use 3rd party carriers to supplement their lack of drivers/trailers, etc.

    You might get a stretch of 2 years where you are making bank, then the bean counters realize the 3rd party contractors cost too much.. and you'll be out of a job in an area where you wanted to be.

    I'd hate to be holding 2 more years of lease when I live on the east coast, but only thing available to pay my lease is west coast.

    I worked around a GenOx fella who was leased on pulling from Allentown PA last year. Ran NE corridor, major cities. Older retired gent, so chasing money wasn't as important to him. LGT guys seemed to have it worse with their lease purchase programs. GenOx guy was in an older Cascadia, LGT guys were in Pete 579's.
  4. haz-matguru

    haz-matguru Road Train Member

    Feb 18, 2012
    If you click the search icon (the magnifying glass at top right of the page) and type in Genox. You will see several different threads with info on the place.
    FreezingHot32 Thanks this.
  5. KDHCryo

    KDHCryo Medium Load Member

    Sep 14, 2023
    Nobody is gonna mention rates for Cryo O/Op's on this board, period. Search does the OP no good.

    But if I wanted to through my hat into the ring and GUESS, for the Houston area, short haul, meaning a day away from home, O/OP...

    OP would be looking at grossing 5K per week home everry other night. Weekends for him/her/she/they/persons would be tues-weds.

    That's without fuel.

    If I lived near a major city, I wouldn't even consider O/op.. Company driver and take home 100K plus benny's and go home every night. Local CRYO is the best paying job period, everywhere. Most of them are clocking 47$ an hour plus overtime after 40 hours per week.
  6. Lightfoot71

    Lightfoot71 Light Load Member

    Oct 28, 2018
    Lower 48
    i net that

    LTLTRUCKDRIVER Light Load Member

    Jun 3, 2019
    Houston is the Petro Captial, if have experience you can make 100,000 plus running local.
    FreezingHot32 Thanks this.
  8. FreezingHot32

    FreezingHot32 Light Load Member

    Feb 15, 2018
    Upstate SC
    That’s good to know. I’m moving to Houston this summer was trying to get in with a good outfit in the area I currently work for Trimac out of SC
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