German Official Seeks to Limit Longhaul

Discussion in 'European/Other Countries Truckers Forum' started by heyns57, Jun 20, 2008.

  1. 8tuesday11

    8tuesday11 Bobtail Member

    Jun 10, 2008
    The railroad infra-structure is far superior in Germany/Europe.

    I am curious about differences between Europe vs USA as far as trucking. I'm aware of OTHER differences such as: they do not put poisonous fluoride in their drinking water; nor even chlorine. Nor do they put poisonous mercury amalgam fillings in their children's teeth. They do not have the obesity problem that Americans have.

    As far as trucks/truckers/trucking: Do truckers in Europe (like other workers) get 5 weeks vacation? Are they covered by minimum wage laws? Is the typical European truck driver overweight?

    Do we have any Europeans reading this forum? Or can someone provide a link to a website addressing trucking in European countries?

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  3. truckermario

    truckermario Road Train Member

    Sep 24, 2006
    Fluoride is a poison? How do you brush your teeth then?

    Chlorine is a gas. A very dangerous one at that. Chloride on the other hand is found in many things, simple table salt being one of them.
  4. 8tuesday11

    8tuesday11 Bobtail Member

    Jun 10, 2008
    I just use a plain toothbrush (on teeth, gums and tongue) with no toothpaste, plus flossing. That's adequate for cleaning tooth surfaces.

    I suggest doing a google search on fluoride and chlorine in drinking water.

    There are also YouTube videos about fluoride.
  5. truckermario

    truckermario Road Train Member

    Sep 24, 2006
    I take it your dentist doesn't know about this. I have seen no conclusive proof that fluoride is poisoning the human body.
  6. Biker

    Biker Medium Load Member

    Jun 14, 2008
    Tampa, FL
    Only the moonbats scream about flouride and chlorine. It's scientific fact that flouride helps promote healthy enamel on teeth, and chlorine is necessary to kill the bugs in our water system.

    As for limiting the mileage in Germany, it's already been stated that they have a much superior infrastructor to go by rail. Couple that with a much smaller country, and they can possibly get away with such a mandate.

    To compare Europe with the US is plain silly as far as transportation goes. Two totally different worlds.
  7. 8tuesday11

    8tuesday11 Bobtail Member

    Jun 10, 2008
    Fluoride, chlorine, mercury amalgam as poisons are all controversial and off-topic in this thread. There's lots of other websites for discussing them. Wikipedia is a good starting point for getting up-to-speed on each topic. YouTube videos on each of these topics include options for posting discussion.

    I used them as examples to evoke discussion about differences in trucking practices between USA vs Europe (I'd really like to know how much paid vacation time European truckers get).

    I have not discussed my non-usage of toothpaste with my dentist, but she does know I have doubts about the mercury amalgam fillings that have been in my mouth since I was a child. My dentist says that anyone in her profession who discourages patients from using mercury amalgam fillings is open to being charged with malpractice by the local dental authorities (i.e. dentists are barred from engaging in honest discussion about the topic). The most dentists are allowed to do is give patients the option of tooth-colored fillings (they just can't discuss the dangers of having mercury in the mouth for many years).
  8. 8tuesday11

    8tuesday11 Bobtail Member

    Jun 10, 2008
    Okay. It's silly TO YOU.

    Yes, I know, some people aren't interested in these kinds of comparisons.

    But if there's no awareness of how good it is somewhere else, where's the motivation to make improvements here?

    I am interested. It is not silly to me.

    Here's an article on vacation times in different countries. Americans are at the bottom of the barrel among nations when it comes to paid vacation time (probably also science education; go to the science departments at a typical university and notice how many of the students and faculty are from other countries).
  9. Biker

    Biker Medium Load Member

    Jun 14, 2008
    Tampa, FL
    I've lived in Germany.. Lived there for two years in fact. To compare the two countries IS silly. You're trying to compare apples and oranges and say they're the same. They aren't.
  10. 8tuesday11

    8tuesday11 Bobtail Member

    Jun 10, 2008
    You're repeating yourself biker. You have already revealed that for you some aspect of discussion about comparison of trucking in the USA vs trucking in Europe is silly.

    So why are you still here talking about it?

    I have not said that the USA and Germany are the same. Read my posts. Pick out a quote in which I say they are the same. I don't think you can, because I made no such statement. You are making this up.

    If anything, the heading and contents of my posts specify DIFFERENCES. THAT is my interest. THAT is the kind of discussion I'd be interested in. I have no interest in stating that an apple is an orange; that's absurd.

    This strikes me as an effort here to discourage discussion of comparison of trucking in the USA vs in Europe. But why? What is so scary to you about looking at the differences?

    I suppose I could understand it if a trucking company owner/representative didn't want American truckers to get even a tiny glimpse of whether or not conditions (like vacation time) are better for truckers in other countries. I could imagine a trucking company owner/representative wanting to nip that kind of discussion in the bud with accusations of "silly" and making up dialogue that was never offered.
  11. Biker

    Biker Medium Load Member

    Jun 14, 2008
    Tampa, FL
    Oh sure.... Do you know what kind of taxes they pay over there so they CAN get a longer vacation? The grass isn't always greener on the other side of the fence.
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