Get fired; can't get hired?

Discussion in 'Questions From New Drivers' started by CSDixon, Feb 14, 2017.

  1. snowlauncher

    snowlauncher Road Train Member

    Mar 28, 2014
    Southeastern ID
    There are probably several hundred 1099 companies in the Chicago area who would sign you on without a second thought. JK:D
    Chinatown Thanks this.
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  3. Arniesanders

    Arniesanders Bobtail Member

    Aug 22, 2024
    I know you're just kidding stop playing man
  4. Arniesanders

    Arniesanders Bobtail Member

    Aug 22, 2024
    Yes, but it depends on the company, how many termination & what it is for. Getting terminated is worst than just job hopping I see so avoid terminations & job hopping in general.
  5. tscottme

    tscottme Road Train Member

    I don't know you, I seldom even read the name of anyone posting. If my reply comes after yours it doesn't imply I've competed a background check & psychological profile. What people write here causes me to remember things & write those things.

    I just want drivers to take their job as serious as a heart attack BEFORE they get fired or accumulates of issues that make it hard to work anywhere but sketchy companies. The posters coming on here to lay out their dirty laundry in public always say they have fixed the issues that got them into the mess. Don't make the mess is a better plan because it let's you work at better companies that take less advantage of drivers, maintain equipment better, have better customers, etc.

    It's so much easier to learn from other's mistakes than overcome all of the same stumbling blocks. EVERYONE is free to read or ignore posts. I've got lots of thanks for my messages & am trying to help anyone looking for help, not massage your back & blame the world for our problems. Nobody gets better being told they are helpless.
    snowlauncher and OldMainiac Thank this.
  6. Arniesanders

    Arniesanders Bobtail Member

    Aug 22, 2024
    I'm not looking for a pat on the back or validation of my own mistakes I'm looking to improve my own performance & still learn from every mistake before I get my own trucking business. Thats what this about to me. These rules are crazy how is it a person with rollovers, more tickets in a short period of time, multiple crashes etc have a better chance than my record. I'm not made for a company that's set by picking & choosing instead of what's really right. I'm made to be my own boss. So can you help me with that part brother? This is no argument I'm totally open to your insight as a young Class A holder. Help me if you can
    tscottme Thanks this.
  7. StompToad

    StompToad Bobtail Member

    Jan 13, 2022
    What you are experiencing is "owning your mistakes." Sorry it hurts.
    tscottme Thanks this.
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