The problem is when you lease, you lose the ability to get on any dedicated runs, and they try and pick the heavy fuel intensive routes for you so they can save money on thier company trucks..... By all means go and make it work, but leaseing is just not the best way forward for anyone.
gettin my cdl thru cr england
Discussion in 'CR England' started by rednecktrucking, Oct 17, 2012.
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What do you mean do ALL the paperwork ... do you mean your business plan? If you have one - if not you better do one - share it here. Then you can get some legitimate advice.
How bad is/was you injury? How young are you? ... I understand wanting to take care of your wife and family. But quite frankly if you're eligible, you would make more money, provide better benifits for your family and see them more often if you joined the military. -
After Christmas the freight for CRE is going to slow down plus the affects of winter just add to the bad miles. The only dedicated fleet that will take IC's is the container division. Most of the team/training drivers I talk to in the container fleet are always complaining about the average miles they are getting (4500/week).
If you are leasing a truck that might be about $500 net a week if you don't take any home time. -
im only 24 foin be 25 in feb i have no interest ii the military wat so ever, im wanting to do this trucking career and if i can make it through the training period and make it to where i wouldnt have to pay for the training then great but if i get sick of it then i will start makin calls to get on with a company around my home town, im dedicated to put my best foot foward to proof myself in this career, there is good stories with cre and bad, but i think instead of tryin to steer someone away shouldnt you guys try to support and give the right advice for someones choice in the career path? im not try to make anyone made about that comment either and sorry if i did. im looking foward to this, because i have seen sucess stories about the path i have choosen
and the whole 14 percent thing i read and heard that u dont have to put in 14 percent into that account i heard you can put one to 14 percent into it
Open your eyes man. There are tons of people who have tried this same thing and failed. The odds are against you. There are other ways to "proof" yourself and get into the industry besides making negative checks and going broke.
Were trying to show whats best, we will not support an idea that has a very high chance of failure. Sorry.
You came on here to get people to back you up, cause your mind was already made up. Were trying to HELP you.lorha1159 Thanks this. -
It's 14 cents variable mile fee. It is mandatory for depreciation on the truck or they (CRE) might refer to it as a broker fee. So its not 90 cents per mile starting its 76 cents.
Your reserve fund is a mandatory 7 cents per mile. If you are a phase 2 trainer that will cost you an additional 12 cents per like also.
The only accounts you can control what you put into them are your downtime fund, quarterly tax and truck investment fund. -
But if you go full steam ahead on the lease thing, you need a plan. What you've presented so far is nothing more than some pie in the sky hopes and quite frankly you are the poster child of a CRE failure in the making. But enough of that.
Just one question, exactly why do you have your mind so set that you need or want to lease? Is simply the money, if so, how much is that you believe or "heard" - since you seem to be big on basing your life decisions on things you've "heard" - that you expect to be taking home?Joker85 Thanks this.
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