Gm dc vs grocery dc

Discussion in 'Wal-Mart' started by BlueDotFollower, Dec 8, 2024.

  1. hope not dumb twucker

    hope not dumb twucker Road Train Member

    Aug 23, 2022
    Don’t forget food lion.
    201 Thanks this.
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  3. rollin coal

    rollin coal Road Train Member

    Mar 29, 2008
    I have been to Supervalu in Green Bay and it wasn't a lot of fun. Been to most of the others too. I've delivered to a lot of Walmart DC's in 20+ years as an OTR driver. My experience with that (dozens maybe hundreds of deliveries) overall was positive.

    I always knew what to expect delivering to Walmart DC's. They haven't had lumper fees for several years now (or at least it's not the delivering drivers responsibility anymore) but when they did it was always the flat, reasonable $50 fee. Show up an hour before the appointment time and typically I'd be done live unloading in a couple of hours. Only rarely it would be 3 hours or more. So yeah in my opinion as far as delivering to grocery giants goes Walmart was probably the best one imo. Show up on time and things go smooth.

    Being on the other side of that driving for them now there's no comparison to the BS otr drivers routinely have to deal with that Walmart drivers don't. Your commenting on someone asking about driving for them which you don't and apparently never have? It's a cherry job that's easy. If OP wants to maximize earnings grocery is the path to choose and there's the option of transferring to GM if he decides later he'd rather do that.
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2024
    201, Chinatown and Treputt Thank this.
  4. lual

    lual Road Train Member

    Oct 22, 2020
    SW Georgia
    Less filling!

    Tastes great! :pain10:

    Less filling!

    Tastes geat! :pain10:

    Less filling!

    Tastes great! :pain10:

    :p :D

    -- L
  5. 201

    201 Road Train Member

    Apr 16, 2014
    high plains colorado
    I forgot Roundys, the KING of delay. I'm on your side, while no, I never delivered to a Walmart DC, being paid by the hour put me in relatively the same class as a company driver. The unloaders knew that, and treated me a bit differently, heck, many I saw everyday at 4am. Being a Packers fan, I fit right in, but some poor guy from Cinncinatti, or worse, Chicago( Bears) took a beating. Same held true in Chicago. I never said I was a Packer fan at Certified. It was the OTR guys I felt sorry for. They sat all morning and didn't get a dime, while I restacked my boxes of cheese on small wood, making $16/hr( a good wage in the 80s) and they probably would never be back again. I can only assume, you didn't get your job out of drivers school, it took a while, and well deserved I might add. Thing is, new drivers just aren't the caliber of yesteryear, and many get the loads you may turn down. It sours them right off the bat, and see little chance of landing that "cherry job" right away, and give up. I, as well as you did, I'm sure, did a lot of S work in our early days, FOR NOTHING, it's how we learned. I just don't see that in our instant gratification society we live in today.
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