Going Maroon ...

Discussion in 'Maverick' started by TexasMike, Mar 25, 2016.

  1. TexasMike

    TexasMike "Big Tex"

    Jan 28, 2008
    Dallas/Ft. Worth
    Orientation Day Five is done.

    Started off with a hazmat information class the we got our official job offers which I accepted. So I'm gainfully employed once again.

    We stared with some hands on securement and did 'Eye to the Side' steel coils, and spent about four hours in the training bays.

    Only seven days in Little Rock left.
    Lonesome Thanks this.
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  3. DeadArmadillo

    DeadArmadillo Light Load Member

    Oct 4, 2013
    Republic of Texas
    I'm one of your subscribers on Youtube....believe I was #5.....really, really info packed vlogs. Cudos sir for doing that work. I'm too am in DFW and am still debating Maverick or McElroy. It's the hometime, weekends, that is most important to me. The SW regional work info would be very helpful and probably help many us.
    TexasMike Thanks this.
  4. TexasMike

    TexasMike "Big Tex"

    Jan 28, 2008
    Dallas/Ft. Worth
    Thank you, I am trying. As I get more info on my regional runs I'll be logging about that as well.
  5. TexasMike

    TexasMike "Big Tex"

    Jan 28, 2008
    Dallas/Ft. Worth
    Hands-On Training Day One

    We had some yesterday, but it was a kick it and take names today. Still working on coils and move from Eye to the Side to Shotgun (Eye to the Front) coils.

    I can say this for sure, Maverick is EXTREMELY detailed oriented in these securement plans. It's very good to learn it correctly. Maverick also generally goes beyond DOT requirements to ensure that the load doesn't go anywhere.

    Most of us also moved out of the Maverick hotel on campus and moved into the off-campus hotel. Much nicer, and there are at least a few truck stops close to get small stuff.
    Lonesome Thanks this.
  6. TexasMike

    TexasMike "Big Tex"

    Jan 28, 2008
    Dallas/Ft. Worth
    Day two of hands-on is done, and we've finished working on steel coils and start pipe tomorrow.

    This getting up at 4:45am and going to bed at 8:00pm is starting to grate on my nerves.

    Can't wait till Thursday.
    Lonesome Thanks this.
  7. TexasMike

    TexasMike "Big Tex"

    Jan 28, 2008
    Dallas/Ft. Worth
    Experienced drivers got out early because the students have things to do we already did I, or do not have to do.

    Very nice to get done early for once.

    Today was taken up with cargo length based securement such as, shiny and grey bar, linear steel and mixed loads.

    They also roped us into setting up the orientation DOT physicals area and stuff like that for tomorrow.
  8. TexasMike

    TexasMike "Big Tex"

    Jan 28, 2008
    Dallas/Ft. Worth
    Hands-On training day 4 is done.

    Was a busy day and most of it was spent in the training bays.

    Most of the day was taken up with miscellaneous load types including lumber, marble, containers, sheet steel and slinkys.

    We also took some evaluations as well as some site specific safety videos.

    We start our final evaluations tomorrow.
  9. TexasMike

    TexasMike "Big Tex"

    Jan 28, 2008
    Dallas/Ft. Worth
    Hands-On Day 5 ...

    Day started out well reviewing and evaluating linear steel loads, then moved on to aluminum.

    After lunch we tested out and I passed with a 100% test score. So securement is now finished, we do tarring tomorrow.

    Should be only two days left then I will get my truck and get back in the road.
    Lonesome Thanks this.
  10. Truckermania

    Truckermania Road Train Member

    Oct 13, 2011
    Congrats on passing! Great score. Was Curt sitting in the lunch room asking people how they did as they came out? He did that when I went through. I missed 3 I think but still passed.
  11. TexasMike

    TexasMike "Big Tex"

    Jan 28, 2008
    Dallas/Ft. Worth
    No, didn't see him today, but Scotty was excited.
    Truckermania Thanks this.
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