Going Over the Road with Knight

Discussion in 'Knight' started by Misesian, May 23, 2014.

  1. drvrtech77

    drvrtech77 Road Train Member

    Mar 20, 2010
    The way these terminals play games,it screws the drivers & they don't care...I one time overheard the Katy terminal mgr yelling into the phone to driver stating this.."you will take the load because you're a driver,you're a nobody!"...that's Why they lose drivers...morons..
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  3. Misesian

    Misesian Road Train Member

    May 21, 2014
    Nothwest Arkansas
    I did well there as a company driver. They have their problems but it was a good experience.
  4. OverDrive

    OverDrive "A Watchman on the Walls"

    Been waiting for an update on the new truck.

    Hope he is not another raving fan of Knight on this site who suddenly dropped off the face of the earth..?!
    Dna Mach Thanks this.
  5. Chewbongka

    Chewbongka Light Load Member

    Feb 11, 2015
    What are you babbling about?
    Who is waiting on a truck?
    Kropotkin75 Thanks this.
  6. OverDrive

    OverDrive "A Watchman on the Walls"

    Guess you have a short memory, cowboy. He started his truck lease in Feb and hasnt responded since Feb 16th......

    And this section is filled with a dime a dozen new Knight drivers who start out as raving fans and then disappear--some have the guts to come back and give their farewell report on why they left......
    Dna Mach Thanks this.
  7. Chewbongka

    Chewbongka Light Load Member

    Feb 11, 2015
    I have a memory like a steel trap. If you read his post he started another thread and you would see what happened.

    As far as other Knight drivers not coming back to this forum it's probably due to they have better things to do then argue with window lickers like you.

    I stick around because I found out most of the complaints I read about on this forum are not true in my experience. Yes Knight has problems but for a starter company they meet all of my requirements. One of the highest in pay, enough miles to meet my minimum weekly pay goals and they allow pets and get me home on time. I think it's important to let other drivers interested in Knight hear all sides of a drivers experience not just the ones like you who hold a grudge and whine about every little thing.
    Last edited: Mar 6, 2016
    Kropotkin75 Thanks this.
  8. OverDrive

    OverDrive "A Watchman on the Walls"

    Having worked for Knight for 5 yrs and been on this forum for 15 yrs, I'll be waiting for your farewell report, that's if you have the guts to write one!!
  9. Drew352

    Drew352 Medium Load Member

    Dec 28, 2011
  10. Misesian

    Misesian Road Train Member

    May 21, 2014
    Nothwest Arkansas
    I left because they closed down my terminal. Their lease program isn't that great but I knew the people in my office would make it work. I was transferred to Memphis and I didn't trust them to make it work for me. I went to a small carrier in my area that pays percentage and so far it has been really good.
    boiseburb and OverDrive Thank this.
  11. Misesian

    Misesian Road Train Member

    May 21, 2014
    Nothwest Arkansas
    I still think Knight is a good place for a company driver if you're willing to stay out. I made really good money there. My opinion is, unless you have full trust in the people at your office, there are better opportunities out there if you want to own your own truck.
    drvrtech77, Kropotkin75 and Rugerfan Thank this.
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