Going Over the Road with Knight

Discussion in 'Knight' started by Misesian, May 23, 2014.

  1. Misesian

    Misesian Road Train Member

    May 21, 2014
    Nothwest Arkansas
    So far still good. Holiday has slowed things down a little though. I had my first setback the other day. I got in a hurry at the truck stop while backing and the trailer scraped a guy's bumper and fender. Other than that things have been good. Right now the truck is having some turbo issues too. It stops providing boost every now and then. I will be going along fine and then no power at all. It hasn't gone out completely but I think that is coming soon. I plan on having Volvo look at it when I go home in a few days. Maybe it is just some sensor issue.
    Montgomery Thanks this.
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  3. Fajo

    Fajo The Dark Knight

    Jan 26, 2013
    Boise, ID
    Fun, always remember take as much time as you need to back into a spot.. I been doing this for a number of years and i have had nights where i could not put this trl in a hole for the life of me... Took me 45 min to get backed in correct.

    Be safe out there :) im in Utah headed to Shelbyville, IN. Ever see me out there dont be afraid to say hi! That goes for anyone :)
    Misesian and Surfer Joe Thank this.
  4. Misesian

    Misesian Road Train Member

    May 21, 2014
    Nothwest Arkansas
    I am thinking my power issues may be affecting my MPG. I was hitting 7 based on company data but now it is at 6.4? Does cold weather really have that much of an impact? Can't wait to get home and have Volvo look at this thing.
  5. Fajo

    Fajo The Dark Knight

    Jan 26, 2013
    Boise, ID
    Cold weather, wind, ideling among 199347 other things can affect mpg.. I can haul one load one day and get 7.5 and then haul the same load the next day and get 6. Lots of factors affect mpg.
  6. Misesian

    Misesian Road Train Member

    May 21, 2014
    Nothwest Arkansas
    In the shop getting things looked at. Current fuel is at 7.1 according to Knight data. Not as bad as I thought. After I am done here got my load to AR for a few days off.
  7. mrallenca

    mrallenca Bobtail Member

    Dec 11, 2014
    Las Vegas, NV
    Can anyone tell me about Knight's enhanced rider policy? I plan on having the wife ride with me once I get through the squire program. Thanks in advance.
  8. Surfer Joe

    Surfer Joe Heavy Load Member

    Feb 27, 2011
    Cape Ann, Massachusetts
    How are things going for you as an I/C signed up with KR, Fajo?
  9. Fajo

    Fajo The Dark Knight

    Jan 26, 2013
    Boise, ID
    I'm still here :) company is what you make of it. Tho I will say the terminal im based out of also makes a huge diff. We have some that treat drivers like there beneath them. For thise drivers i really do feel sorry for. :(
  10. Fajo

    Fajo The Dark Knight

    Jan 26, 2013
    Boise, ID
    I take my wife out with me so i know it allows that.. I think its set up so if your related your fine or if its your "partner" your also fine. Thats about as much as i know tho. Hope it helps.
  11. mrallenca

    mrallenca Bobtail Member

    Dec 11, 2014
    Las Vegas, NV
    Thanks Fajo. Is there a time period after you go solo to have the rider go with you?
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