Going to Boyd Brothers

Discussion in 'Boyd' started by THEPRIZEFIGHTER, Nov 7, 2010.


    THEPRIZEFIGHTER Light Load Member

    Nov 4, 2010
    Dayton, OH
    So I finished school at Tri State and got my CDL. I was going to go to TMC but then I heard about Boyd and they seem better. So long story short I start orientation in Cincinatti on the 15th.

    So what I'm looking for is some more info on Boyd.

    Do they have/allow inverters in there trucks?

    What are there benifits like? How much are they per week for a family?

    What kind of trucks do they run? What condition are they in?

    What kind of miles are you getting every week?

    How is there orientation? And there trainers/training?

    How is there hometime? I know they say 24-36hr's. Is that typical or do you get more?

    Im sure I'll think of more but thats it for now. Thanks in advance for all your answers.
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  3. miz860

    miz860 Medium Load Member

    Aug 23, 2010
    Philadelphia, PA
    I'm thinking of going tmc just found out about boyd I'm trying to get info as well.
  4. drag'nfly

    drag'nfly Bobtail Member

    Oct 30, 2010
    As far as health insurance I pay 89 bucks a week for myself, my wife and 2 kids. That includes dental, too. Most of the trucks they have are international 9400's and prostars. Being new you'll probably get a 9400, but who knows. About 2/3 of the trucks have apu's. For the most part the trucks are well maintained and in good shape mechanically, but that doesnt mean that the truck you're getting will be nice and clean and smell good. Miles, if you want to be home every weekend don't expect more than 2000-2200 miles a week. If you stay out longer you might get more. Hometime is really unpredictable. I'm usually home 2 full days every week. But a lot depends on where you live, who your dispatcher is, etc.
  5. hytekrednek.

    hytekrednek. Bobtail Member

    Dec 3, 2010
    Rock Hill, s.c.
    I can answer any question regardin boyd. just shoot.
  6. rubberducky68

    rubberducky68 Road Train Member

    Sep 9, 2010
    Jefferson GA
    Are they staying busy? If you stay out 2 or more weeks at a time how many miles can you expect to get? Thanks.
  7. hytekrednek

    hytekrednek Light Load Member

    Dec 10, 2007
    Rock Hill, S.C.
    U ask if we r busy. We ain't missed a beat since fall hit. Flatbed tends to slow sown this time of year, yet boyd is still hitting hard. I work four n half days n ended up with just over 1600 miles, plus load I'm under rite now, which is almost another 800 total. Downfall is that I'm leaving sun mornin, yet I been home since Thursday nite. That should sum it up a lil. Anything else, lemme know.
  8. hytekrednek

    hytekrednek Light Load Member

    Dec 10, 2007
    Rock Hill, S.C.
    Was just wonderin which way u went. Tmc or boyd?

    THEPRIZEFIGHTER Light Load Member

    Nov 4, 2010
    Dayton, OH
    I went with Boyd. I'm just wrapping up my fist week out with a trainer. So far I'm really happy with everything. My only gripe is the 62mph governor when your out in Texas and the speed limit is 70-75.
  10. hytekrednek

    hytekrednek Light Load Member

    Dec 10, 2007
    Rock Hill, S.C.
    I understand all to well hour 62, but when u get those extra checks it all goes away. If ur just starting out where did u do orientation n when u go through?
  11. beaglewv

    beaglewv Bobtail Member

    Apr 8, 2010
    So Boyd is sounding pretty good, im not sure I mind the governor so keep my tickets down. Is the home time pretty consistent, how long is orientation and can you pull box with them. any help be great, thx. oh and do they have a pet program.
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