My husband is just finishing up his last week of training in Brimingham this week and will get his own truck when he gets back! So far Boyd has been a great company! His last week out w/ his trainer, my grandma died and Boyd made sure to get him home in time for the funeral! No questions asked!! I was prepared to get him a copy of death certificate or anything else I thought they would want but they didn't! In fact they told my husband that if they couldn't get them a load back to Cincy they would put him on a bus to get home!! I think they are a great company so far and so does my husband!
Going to Boyd Brothers
Discussion in 'Boyd' started by THEPRIZEFIGHTER, Nov 7, 2010.
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wished they allowed doggies Maybe i would give them a shot.
Are their trucks automatic, super 10, or just 10? What do they haul? Do they haul to Canada? -
Well im drug free & consider myself a good driver, so hopefully I shouldnt have any problems in orientation! Need to brush up on my pre trip skills incase they want me to demonstrate!
I really like this company! -
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