going to boyd

Discussion in 'Boyd' started by hoedown, Jan 22, 2011.

  1. bmiller68

    bmiller68 Bobtail Member

    Mar 4, 2011
    bowling green ohio

    Thanks for the input,I talked to a trainer by the name of JIM
    he answered alot of questions for me.Overall sounds like a good
    company,Just little afraid being my first try at the bussiness.
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  3. hytekrednek

    hytekrednek Light Load Member

    Dec 10, 2007
    Rock Hill, S.C.
    I understand. A good way to look at it is if these other guys can do it so can I. Have some faith in urself. I enjoy this company n they definitely won't ask u to do something unsafe. Any other questions just shoot.
  4. helmintoller

    helmintoller Bobtail Member

    Oct 6, 2010
    Roxboro, NC
    How is the hometime hytek? And are they hiring students now?
  5. jimmysr

    jimmysr Light Load Member

    Nov 6, 2010

    i dont think he will be passing any boyd trucks in a tmc truck lmao....they are slow also,but guys with little or no experience dont need to run too fast,but anyhow i just wanted to drop by here and say hi to all the boyd drivers,i load and deliver to alot of the same places as yall do and you guys seem very professional and most of you represent boyd very well and i appreciate the help some of you have given me rollin them dang tarps you guys are more respected out there than maverick or tmc,those guys are a joke for the most part not all of them but most of them,and i am sure there are a few rotten apples there at boyd just like anywhere else but my encounters with boyd drivers are far more enjoyable then with the rest of them wannabes. keep up the good work guys and gals.:biggrin_25520:
    jmthomas and T-RIX Thank this.
  6. jimmysr

    jimmysr Light Load Member

    Nov 6, 2010

    oh by the way good reply.
  7. hytekrednek

    hytekrednek Light Load Member

    Dec 10, 2007
    Rock Hill, S.C.
    They r hiring students but not in it area. At least u don't think they r. Only thing I can say is the area changes all the time. Call n c I don't wanna lie to ya. N hometime is good. Especially in my area. I believe ur area is as well. Gotta buddy of mine that lives somewhat close to u n he is home scrutiny weekend.
    helmintoller Thanks this.
  8. camofrawg83

    camofrawg83 Light Load Member

    Jan 8, 2010
    Dunn, NC
    ? For ya tek. What's the difference bt boyd and wti? They quit hiring students when I was in school but I'm almost at the 1 year mark. And who says rookies shouldn't go too fast? I been at 68 for 10 mnths with no prob. But with elogs you make the minutes count!
  9. hytekrednek

    hytekrednek Light Load Member

    Dec 10, 2007
    Rock Hill, S.C.
    WTI is just a sister company. They have other perks we don't at boyd. Faster trucks bein one, yer our trucks look n run better. All companies r like that though. Gotta take good with the bad. N as far as rookies goin fast, I train here at boyd. I feel until a rookie gets their feet wet they should b watched over a lil. I've seen rookiesmake mistakes that could kill n or hurt others. Not sayin the rest of us haven't or won't at sometime but they r more likely to mess up. Not on purpose, but because they don't know. This job isn't for everyone. U get a newbie pulling a skateboard with a nagging wife at home in a truck that runs 70 n heading home after two weeks out. How do u think he is gonna drive?? Me, I take my time. Still do my loadchecks. Im tired of seeing "super truckers". Is like to see this new generation comin in to have respect for others around him. Like it use to b. N I feel if they run as slow as u do, than it will help.
  10. Rob G

    Rob G Light Load Member

    Feb 2, 2011
    Hey Hytech, who were you with before Boyd? Name sounds familiar, maybe from a different forum, i don't know. Just seems familiar.
  11. red S-10

    red S-10 Medium Load Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    will boyd bros hire you if you need flatbed training? im working pulling dry van now i just need flatbed training thanks for any info
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