going to canada and getting screwed.

Discussion in 'Gless Bros Foodliner' started by im6under, Mar 12, 2009.

  1. im6under

    im6under Heavy Load Member

    Feb 13, 2007
    I went to canada yesterday,

    straight up, crossed, unloaded, back out, snoozed at truckstop, and then come on home... good run...

    before I left, as I'm entering our yard to get my stuff and go... another guy was pulling out already loaded...

    inside I find out we're going to the same place...

    by the time I leave the yard he is 20 minutes ahead of me...

    FYI snow storming and wind blowing worse as we're heading up... 14" predicted...

    anyways about 100 miles out guy passes me from behind... zip... he's up on the governor and flying...

    I'm a little nervous going that fast but if he can do it, so can I, so I pick-up my speed to pace him... never could catch him...

    in minneapolis he takes the 494 belt route and I peel off one exit prior and take the state road thru town, its slower driving but closer and this is the middle of the night... shouldn't be any traffic is the thinking...

    about 70 miles later... zip... this guy passes me again...

    I picked it up a bit but backed off and let him go... not happy with the weather and full snow covered roads...

    I stop and have to refuel, only getting 3.5mpg with a 50mph head wind...

    anyways... on up the road... ring ring... yeap??? hey man this is so an so...

    where we going???


    I never been there after you cross the boarder how you get where we're going...

    I do my best but its real hard to describe, I only been there once, quite awhile ago, and there were "no truck" signs everywhere... but I tell him...

    and he's not there yet anyways...

    so I pull into the port of entry... and there this guy sits...?????

    what are you waiting on me to lead you???

    nope.. papers are wrong they won't let me in...


    grap my map, an aerial photo I printed off the computer the night before, draw in how I'm going, then leave him the paper...

    I go on over to the plant to unload... which I do... and am heading back across and don't see him...

    was he still there or lost in town??? whatever... on home I head...

    all I can think is zip zip zip... and I still got there first... lmao !!!

    poor guy, bob must have forgot to tell him, "make sure before you leave that your papers are in order, there is a customs sticker on the bottom, and make sure they fax the load to customs before you leave, or you'll get up there and might be sitting all afternoon or night..."

    dang... he must be hot... lol:biggrin_2552:
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