Good foldable bike?

Discussion in 'Driver Health' started by dave01282000, Sep 13, 2023.

  1. dave01282000

    dave01282000 Medium Load Member

    Jun 16, 2021
    Anyone have experience with a good bike that folds up to stow in the sleeper? I see a number of foldable bikes available online but not sure where to begin.

    Trying to plan ahead for an OTR cardio routine. Running would be the easiest for that but can't do the impact because of joint issues...spin class has been a great solution when at home, but kinda tough to take that on the road.

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  3. cuzzin it

    cuzzin it Road Train Member

    Jan 19, 2008
    Berea, KY
    Dahon is quality built for smooth surface. Check ThorUsa.
    I also have Montague that is mtn bike
  4. Big Road Skateboard

    Big Road Skateboard Road Train Member

    May 2, 2021
    I don't have any experience with the foldable bikes, but maybe rethink running.

    I've always blasted running as too hard on my joints, and every time I tried, my lower back, knees, and left hip would kill me.

    But, I tried again. I focused on doing stretches for a solid 10 minutes before running, and 5 minutes after, along with a dead hang.

    I've been running 2 and a half months now, usually every other day, and bicycle at least a few miles on off days. Pain free for the most part

    It's been a gamechanger for endurance.

    But if you can't, the bicycle is certainly easier on the joints. Looks like @cuzzin it has you pointed in the right direction.
    Long FLD and dave01282000 Thank this.
  5. Chinatown

    Chinatown Road Train Member

    Aug 28, 2011
    Henderson, NV & Orient
    My doctor told me "No Running" and just brisk walking.
    TX2Day and dave01282000 Thank this.
  6. Rolladawg

    Rolladawg Light Load Member

    Mar 1, 2023
    Dahon make a wide range of folding bikes and then there are the Brompton range of bikes, the Rolls Royce of folding bikes (with prices to match!)

    The only issue I have with folding bikes is the wheel size, I understand they have to be small to fold effectively, but you lose the smooth ride and gyroscopic stability you have with a larger wheel size.

    is there any way you could store a mountain bike on a rack behind your sleeper? Maybe with a small tarp to keep it out of the elements? Perhaps modify a truck bed style of bike rack?
    ducnut and dave01282000 Thank this.
  7. dave01282000

    dave01282000 Medium Load Member

    Jun 16, 2021
    When I was on active duty in DC I was training for the Marine Corps marathon and started getting crazy pain in my left hip...went to ortho in Bethesda and it turned out to be osteoarthritis. They gave me a cortisone shot and said no more running...any other cardio is fine.

    My idea for on the road was to try to translate spin class into actual bike riding...
    Chinatown and ducnut Thank this.
  8. dave01282000

    dave01282000 Medium Load Member

    Jun 16, 2021
    This is advance planning for a couple months from now so I'm not set exactly what company and equipment I'll be in...but something to consider for sure. I was thinking storage shouldn't be too difficult if I end up in a sleeper with a top rack, but if not I may have to get more creative.
  9. ducnut

    ducnut Road Train Member

    Dec 31, 2010
    I’d suggest buying whatever bike you fancy and a high quality bike bag. With QR axles or thru-axles, it’s pretty quick to break down a bike and throw it in a bag. Then, you have zero compromises, as far as the bike goes. When you’re home, you’ll still have a bike you can get out and do some enjoyable miles on.


    With a folding bike, you’re still going to want a bike bag, to keep filth and drivetrain gunk off your stuff. When folded and bagged, they’re really not much more compact than a broken down, full-size bike, in a bag. Then, the riding experience is going to be compromised, every single mile you ride. Their advantage is for someone who lives/works in a high-rise and uses an elevator. They’re quick to fold, with no loose parts. Otherwise, I’m not sure they’re worth the compromises. But, if you feel it’s the way for you, Dahon offer the nicest models, for the money. And, they offer their own bike bag.
  10. Rolladawg

    Rolladawg Light Load Member

    Mar 1, 2023
    Ducnut, That's a perfect solution! Where did you find that bag?
    dave01282000 Thanks this.
  11. ducnut

    ducnut Road Train Member

    Dec 31, 2010
    You can find EVOC bags, anywhere online. They’re kind of an industry standard, in non-rigid bike bags.
    lual and dave01282000 Thank this.
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